


Bug #27194

Same Vehicle Collision is turning on in EVA Construction destroying crafts or making them wobble

Added by Anth12 about 4 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Breaking Ground, Core Game, Making History
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


#1 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Parts that seem to be doing this are the following so far:

Struts clipped inside parts
Cubic Octagonal Strut
Octagonal Strut
BZ-52 Radial Attachment Point
Z-400 Rechargeable Battery
FL-A5 Adapter added after seeing dok_377's video
GRAVMAX Negative Gravioli Detector
Double-C Seismic Accelerometer
These all have one thing in common, They cant do same vehicle interaction on the action menu

How to replicate:

1. Load 'Same Vessel EVAC bug QuickSave.sfs'
2. EVA Engineer
3. Go into EVA Construction Mode
4. Grab the Octtag and attach it to the craft OR
4a. Grab the Octtag from the inventory, then just place it back into the inventory.

Important Note:

It seems to need to contact through one part to another to cause this to happen.

#2 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

This video is showing the issue when using 'Same Vessel EVAC bug QuickSave.sfs'

#3 Updated by dok_377 about 4 years ago

This "fixed" version seems even worse than not fixed one. Not only you can screw up your craft (and some others in the vicinity) doing construction, but also by just grabbing some part from the inventory and just putting it back in again!

By the way, I don't think this is caused only by listed parts. It's literally all of them, I think. Here's me doing it with some i-beams in the inventory and other parts on the shuttle start to collide:

This might have something to do with the new check for collision that was implemented. It seems like game now checks if the part that you trying to place intersects other parts and prevents placement if it detects some collision, but this feature somehow bleeds through to the craft itself and somehow enables collision between parts.

#4 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Your shuttle is doing Exactly what this bug report is showing to be a problem.

I dont think its got anything to do with whats in the inventory.

Ohhh.... I see how your parts are radially attached. I havent tried that.

Well Well, the pizza plate (FL-A5) doesnt have the ability for same vehicle interaction and its causing the same issue.

#5 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

dok_377 what do you have attached to the nose cone? and are those tanks from a part mod?
The ones with the red line

#6 Updated by dok_377 about 4 years ago

Anth12 wrote:

dok_377 what do you have attached to the nose cone? and are those tanks from a part mod?
The ones with the red line

The nosecone itself is attached to the stock structural fuselage (the red line on it is from Conformal Decals), node attachment. Nothing is attached to it.

#7 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Weird. I cant get the nose cone to displace itself like yours is doing
even if I tried the Conformal Decals

#8 Updated by just_jim about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I was able to repro this with the attached save. Something weird definitely going on

#10 Updated by Lupi about 4 years ago

adding this savefile here. there's a kerbal clawed to the back end of a spaceplane, get them on one of the thing's ladders to do eva construction, and the instant you place a part, the spaceplane itself flies apart. This doesn't require the part to be added to the vessel in question, either. If you unclaw and go float away, anywhere within the 300-odd meter range where it continues to calculate physics, it'll do it to the plane repeatably.

#11 Updated by just_jim about 4 years ago

  • Assignee set to just_jim

#12 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Thats a video of Lupi's Station (same one as the pictures he posted)

It happens when I get a part from the inventory and place it back into the inventory.

#13 Updated by theaziz about 4 years ago

It's not only wobbling and exploding, but also turning off gravity. And that happens with stock ships as well. Here's me trying to put RCS thrusters from "Super-Heavy Lander" craft in their inventory space.

#14 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Got the craft file theaziz?

I wouldnt mind looking at it to see how the bug is affecting it

#15 Updated by theaziz about 4 years ago

Like I said, it's a stock craft. I opened it in VAB, chose crew, launched and above happened.

#16 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Might be a stock craft, but you are using mods,

I tried to replicate what happened to your craft right down to launching it at the dessert launch pad and nothing happened

Your craft has batteries that dont naturally have same vessel interaction, but they are no where near anything else to cause problems.

I wonder if one of your mods is interfering with the bug.

#17 Updated by Anonymous about 4 years ago

I cannot see this bug with 'Super-Heavy Lander.craft'. theaziz must have some other problem.

I do see the bug when I load the 'Same Vessel EVAC bug QuickSave.sfs'

I have not come across the problem myself, so wondered what I do differently.
In order to create a craft that shows the problem, I needed to place a part that does not have the 'same vessel interaction' toggle, then offset that part so that it clips, not its parent, not a part connected to its parent, but a part at least two connections away from its parent.

#18 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago


In order to create a craft that shows the problem, I needed to place a part that does not have the 'same vessel interaction' toggle, then offset that part so that it clips, not its parent, not a part connected to its parent, but a part at least two connections away from its parent.

Yeah its something like that. (exactly like that) Maybe I can make it more plain with a different craft

#19 Updated by Anth12 about 4 years ago

Attached QuickSave and Craft.

k-ohara you are right definitely Great Grandfather part

#20 Updated by theaziz about 4 years ago

Anth12 wrote:

Might be a stock craft, but you are using mods,

I tried to replicate what happened to your craft right down to launching it at the dessert launch pad and nothing happened

Your craft has batteries that dont naturally have same vessel interaction, but they are no where near anything else to cause problems.

I wonder if one of your mods is interfering with the bug.

First try in troubleshooting cofirms that yes, that was the case. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement was the problem. Removing it fixed the lander exploding. If someone has it, I recommend removing and trying again before looking for other causes.

#21 Updated by victorr about 4 years ago

  • Assignee changed from just_jim to victorr

#23 Updated by Lupi almost 4 years ago

happening here with removing a repair kit from inventory

#24 Updated by victorr almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Ready to Test
  • Target version set to 1.11.2
  • % Done changed from 10 to 80

We made some changes in the latest version of the game and would like some feedback on this.

#25 Updated by Anth12 almost 4 years ago

Retesting shows that this is resolved.

#26 Updated by Technicalfool over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready to Test to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

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