Bug #24662
UT time in the maneuver node tab doesnt work correctly under the Year:Day:Hour:Minutes:Second entry option (clock icon)
KSP 1.8.1 Stock (no mods)
Before Year 2
First Year.png shows the maneuver node timing for 1 orbit before Year Two which states:
425:05:34:42 which would translate to
This is missing Year 1
Just after Year 2
2nd Year.png shows the maneuver node timing for 1 orbit after Year Two starts which states:
00:07:20 which would translate to
This is missing Year 2 Day 1
Entering manually into the UT textbox will never get past the first year.
UT time within the maneuver tab seems to be completely missing the Year variable which would keep the text box completely filled with at least:
001:001:00:00:00 at the minimum.
Use UT Bug Quick Save.sfs for testing.
Additional Information
Also if I click on the time that is displayed it adds 0.000 to the end. I doubt that a maneuver node needs to be started at a fraction of a second.
Temporary Work Around
Use the Seconds instead of UT
Credit goes to DasValdez for finding this issue (I was lurking on his channel)
Related issues
#1 Updated by Anth12 about 5 years ago
- Subject changed from UT time in the maneuver node tab doesnt work correctly to UT time in the maneuver node tab doesnt work correctly under the Year:Day:Hour:Minutes:Second entry option (clock icon)
#2 Updated by Dunbaratu almost 5 years ago
- File screenshot17.png screenshot17.png added
I just noticed this and was going to write this bug up, but did a search and found this existing write-up for it.
Essentially, the problem seems to be that the display format does not include the year like the tooltip claims it does. The tooltip claims it's "y:ddd:hh:mm:ss". But the actual number shown is just "ddd:hh:mm:ss". Either the display format does not include the year, or it does but the year is getting truncated in the right-justified display.
I didn't notice that a maneuver node was actually 1 year and 99 days from now, rather than just 99 days from now, because of this.
#4 Updated by James.Bleyle almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Issue confirmed on PC build 2788. The UT field in the precision maneuver node does not display the year.
#5 Updated by victorr over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Ready to Test
- Target version set to 1.10.0
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
We've made some changes in this latest version and would like some feedback on this issue.
#6 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
- File 1.9.1.png 1.9.1.png added
- File 1.10.0.png 1.10.0.png added
- Status changed from Ready to Test to Not Fixed
- % Done changed from 80 to 50
The year is showing however the format is supposed to be:
1.10.0 incorrectly shows this as the following which is way too long for the text box:
#y, ###d, ##:##:##
Additional Problem
The text box doesn't allow me to manually input numbers like 1.9.1 did
If I want to replace 1y with 2y, I can delete the 1 but cant add the 2 to it.
But it seems to sort of work if I delete the entire line.
Sorry guys. not fixed, but heading in the right direction.
#7 Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
As a completely honest question, what is the use-case for entering a maneuver time in year-month-day format?
I ask this because the box currently displays the time remaining until the maneuver, in year-month-day form, transfer window planners (https://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/84005-17x-transfer-window-planner-v1710-august-19/) will compute the absolute time of the transfer. The AlexMoon planner uses 'UT' as the abbreviation for 'Universal Time' to label this absolute time of the transfer.
The abbreviation 'UT' in KSPs maneuver planner makes me think it might mean 'Universal Time', but it currently labels a time-difference.
I'm confused how that input box could ever be useful. [Edit: I was confused; the Maneuver Mode 'UT' is absolute time.]
#8 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
It displays the wrong time? really?
Ok downloading the window planner mod and comparing
#9 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
- File screenshot176.png screenshot176.png added
Oh...no the time in the Maneuver Mode is a point in time, not a countdown like the node has itself.
Look on the Precise Maneuver (mod) vs the Maneuver Mode for the time in seconds. its the same.
I agree. entering the time in seconds is preferable.
Part of the issue seems to be that the maneuver mode is half the transfer window mod. Might be why no one complained about the maneuver mode issues until I took a look at it.
#10 Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago
- File maneuverClock.jpg maneuverClock.jpg added
Right. I was confused above.
The Maneuver Mode does show 'universal time' in the box marked 'UT', but there is an off-by one error in the year and day that confused me.
A maneuver at Year-72 Day-4 05:57:28 has its UT printed as 71y, 3d, 05:57.2 as it is 71 years, 3 days after the start of epoch at Year-1 Day-1
#11 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
You are right...there is something wrong with it. how did you get to Y72 years? dammmnnnnn...
#12 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
Got it....
UT starts from Year 1 Day 1 (this is accurate)
The maneuver mode is starting from Year 0 Day 0 which is inaccurate
#13 Updated by Anth12 over 4 years ago
added bug report #25750 for that issue
#14 Updated by victorr over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #25750: Maneuver Mode UT time starts from Year 0 Day 0 when it should start from Year 1 Day 1. added