


Bug #22710

Docking with port attached to "Breaking ground" robotics cause NullReferenceException

Added by Jasper_f over 5 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Breaking Ground, Core Game, Making History
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


What happens:
Docking crafts while ports are attached to the new "Breaking ground" robotics causes (1) crafts to become separated, with one flying off as if in 0G environment, or (2) cause in immediate explosion of said craft.

How to reproduce

- Create any rover-type vehicle with wheels (regardless of which)
- Attach to the craft: two G-01 Alligator hinges, one cubic octagonal strut, a G-00 hinge, and a docking port (any) in that order.
- Dock two vessels together using this "docking arm".

Scenario #1: docking two rovers to a test cargo module using the new "Breaking ground" robotics. Note that (re)docking a single craft appears to work.

Scenario #2: docking the same rover (with wheels slightly tucked in) to Mk3 cargo bay.

- Bug observed with stock install of KSP (KSP v1.7.1.2539).
- Happens with multiple command modules and wheels
- Regular docking without any robotic parts in-between appears to function normally so far

[Bugreport] rover.craft (55 KB) [Bugreport] rover.craft Demo rover as described in the original report and shown in demo recording Jasper_f, 06/01/2019 12:52 PM
[Bugreport - module].craft (22.5 KB) [Bugreport - module].craft Demo module as described in the original report and shown in demo recording Jasper_f, 06/01/2019 12:52 PM
screenshot7.png (1.8 MB) screenshot7.png Jasper_f, 06/01/2019 01:23 PM
output_log.txt (882 KB) output_log.txt Jasper_f, 06/01/2019 01:23 PM
screenshot95.png (1.79 MB) screenshot95.png no wheels, works sschork, 05/24/2020 10:24 PM
screenshot99.png (1.59 MB) screenshot99.png with wheels, doesn't work sschork, 05/24/2020 10:25 PM


#1 Updated by Jasper_f over 5 years ago

What happens:
Docking crafts while ports are attached to the new "Breaking ground" robotics causes (1) crafts to become separated, with one flying off as if in 0G environment, or (2) cause in immediate explosion of said craft.

How to reproduce
- Create any rover-type vehicle with wheels (regardless of which)
- Attach to the craft: two G-01 Alligator hinges, one cubic octagonal strut, a G-00 hinge, and a docking port (any) in that order.
- Dock two vessels together using this "docking arm".

Scenario #1: docking two rovers to a test cargo module using the new "Breaking ground" robotics. Note that (re)docking a single craft appears to work.

Scenario #2: docking the same rover (with wheels slightly tucked in) to Mk3 cargo bay.

- Bug observed with stock install of KSP (KSP v1.7.1.2539).
- Happens with multiple command modules and wheels
- Regular docking without any robotic parts in-between appears to function normally so far

Attached the two crafts used:
- [Bugreport] - rover
- [Bugreport] - module

#2 Updated by Jasper_f over 5 years ago


[Update #2:] Attached screenshot of console output and output_log.txt. Not sure how to get a copy of the console output itself; hence the screenshot.

#4 Updated by just_jim over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

#5 Updated by chris.fulton over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Ready to Test
  • Target version set to 1.7.2
  • % Done changed from 10 to 80

Several Changes and bug fixes have been made, moving this bug to RTT and can you check it in

#6 Updated by 18Watt over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready to Test to Not Fixed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 50

I am still seeing this behavior in 2555. My attempts usually end with the partial destruction of one or both crafts.

When I observe this, it seems like the docking port force tries to invert one of the ports, so they end up facing the same direction. Most of my attempts have ended up with the ports facing the same direction, instead of facing the opposite direction and butted together. This makes the lighter craft rapidly spin with the docking port.

#7 Updated by victorr about 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Not Fixed to Ready to Test
  • Target version changed from 1.7.2 to 1.9.0
  • % Done changed from 50 to 80

We have made changes in this last release and would like your feedback please.

#8 Updated by sschork over 4 years ago


Hi, being struck by this during career-mode play, I tried to break it down:

My versions are

Making History 1.9.1
Breaking Ground 1.4.1

- no addons of any kind
- linux

This works:

A rover without wheels docked to a fuel tank using a telescope arm (screenshot95.png).

It is possible to first undock, then redock using the arm.

The following results in violent bouncing and ultimately exploding of the vessel to the right:

Same as above, but with wheels on the rover (screenshot99.png).

I also tried:

- building both parts separately and then docking
- putting the docking ports on different heights, higher and lower; the bouncing starts whenever a wheel touches the ground
- giving the docking ports different orientations
- putting a fuel tank and/or a structural node between the telescope arm and the docking port
- giving the robotic arm more degrees of freedom by using multiple hinges and then de-motorizing them in unlocked mode shortly before docking
- the next larger type of docking ports
- using landing struts instead of wheels
- non-radial attachment of the first docking port
- different command modules, fuel tanks, etc.

EDIT this would have fitted better here: #23177

#9 Updated by Technicalfool over 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready to Test to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Should be resolved now. If it isn't, please continue to report.

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