



Results (45)

Bug #24218 (Confirmed): Breaking Ground Hydra ... ng issues in 1.7.3 and worse shaking in 1.8.0
KSP 1.7.3 MH + BG (No Mods) KSP 1.8 MH + BG ... ving the legs attached are completely stable. 10/26/2019 06:55 AM
Bug #23492 (Closed): Robotic Parts in series lock up when autostrut is on
The robotics parts in Breaking Ground fail to ... ic parts closer to the root and they have an autostrut enabled. In the craft Hinge Test, I have a ... tons. All hinges and pistons have different autostruts enabled and all have motors disabled but un ... correctly, but the second joint does not if autostrut is on. 09/01/2019 01:12 AM
Bug #23058 (Confirmed): Hinges/pistons looses position over time
I made a mobile base with pistons to hold the ... ached parts dramatically increased over time) 06/30/2019 08:20 PM
Bug #22744 (Closed): Using autostrut on robotic hinges causes random ones to fail
If autostrut is set to heaviest part, this causes random ... ding the use of Return to Launch. Setting autostrut to disabled allows th hinges to function cor ... ere. 06/02/2019 04:00 PM
Bug #22733 (Closed): Autostruts don't recognize grandparent parts across symmetry and strut only per one side.
In KSP versions before 1.7.1 autostruts in symmetry strutted parts not only per sid ... well. Now this doesn't seem to work anymore, autostruts only strut parts per side, not across. That ... the game. See attached pictures for example. 06/02/2019 12:19 AM
Bug #21515 (Need More Info): Stuck docking port - can cause game to hang
A science lab lander was flown to Minmus with ... uilt in 1.6.0 with error reproduced in 1.6.1. 03/08/2019 12:00 AM
Bug #21426 (New): Autostrutted boosters w/ rigid attachment enabled
I recently built a large craft (~2.25kt on th ... ldn't exist, but regardless), I enabled both autostrut and rigid attachment on them. This original ... gardless I hope to see this resolved soon! :) 03/01/2019 03:22 PM
Bug #20306 (New): Game develops stutter when ... unted engines are staged (UPDATED 1 Nov 2018)
11/1/2018 update: More testing revealed thi ... throttle setting) the game slows massively. Autostrutting, etc, has no effect and if it's 'normal' ... have no effect. Observed: stutter develops. 10/30/2018 10:04 PM
Bug #20277 (New): Engine plate autostruts connected parts
Description: On loading all node attached parts to an Engineplate have autostrut set to ForceGrandparent (surface attached pa ... then load the craft file. 5) Enable VisulizeAutostruts in the psychics menu and observe unexpected ... them out of the save files and just reload. 10/24/2018 12:39 PM
Bug #19079 (Confirmed): All parts z-fighting when other vessels load into range
Whenever you are trying to rendezvous with ot ... craft come into load range, it happens again. 05/26/2018 05:34 AM