


Bug #26726

docking on ground makes base shake uncontrollably

Added by jackmcslay almost 4 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Linux, OSX
Breaking Ground, Core Game
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


Download the craft camunhao on the report, stage it to separate it and then docking it made it shake until one of the landing legs exploded. However, if the base is landed bare, without landing legs it's perfectly stable.
Then on Test2, land it on a low gravity body like Mun or Minmus, detach and try to grab using the claw, the rover will start jumping around most of the time unless I pitching it upwards so that only the rear wheels are touching the ground when the two are connected. However in this case, if I try to grab it while it's landed bare it only makes it worse, but once again, pitching it upwards so only the rear wheels touch the ground when they attach works just fine.

Camunhao.craft (155 KB) Camunhao.craft Fuel tanker that can't dock with the scpince lab properly jackmcslay, 11/28/2020 11:49 AM
Test2.craft (92.5 KB) Test2.craft Multipurpose rover that jumps around when grabbing the tank. jackmcslay, 11/28/2020 12:04 PM


#1 Updated by jackmcslay almost 4 years ago

  • Platform Linux added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#2 Updated by 18Watt almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
  • Platform OSX added

I believe this is a duplicate of #23177, 'Wheels bounce during surface docking'

The bug appears to affect vessels with any rover wheels or landing legs, and happens using either docking ports or Klaws.

There is a possible work-around until this is corrected:
1. Turn Damping on all hinges, servos, and pistons to Zero.
2. Deactivate motors of all hinges, servos, and pistons. You can do this via an action group, to deactivate them all just prior to docking (or Klaw-ing).
3. Also helps to turn damping to Zero on all rover wheels or landing legs. (Rover wheels only go down to 0.05 Damping). Rover or vessel will be really bouncy, may have to adjust spring rates as well.

#3 Updated by [email protected] almost 4 years ago

Same happens with wheels, when docking. But it will be stable until kraken has destroyed couple wheels. Autostrut all robotic parts one by one too to help with this but doesn't save those wheels.

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