Bug #20385
Plain white fairing appears to have different material properties than all other white parts in the game.
It's... shinier? more glossy/less matte than all parts, so when you use it next to other white parts, it clashes.
it's... almost whiter. I would use the "black and white" fairing texture if it didn't have the black bands every few meters, since that has the correct white.
#1 Updated by Yakuzi about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Confirmed: inconsistent white textures associated with fairings.
#2 Updated by ancassid about 6 years ago
- Platform Linux, OSX added
This is being caused by two things:
1) the texture for the white fairing variant is way too bright compared to the standard white
2) the material for fairings has some weird settings, namely a _Color value of (0.8,0.8,0.8) making textures darker than they should be, and a shininess value that's lower than the default. Its also using the cutout shader for some reason? yet somehow they're getting normals? The game must be changing the shader at runtime or something
#3 Updated by ancassid about 6 years ago
here's the white fairing texture next to the standard porkjet plane white. The color multiplication helps some but its still too bright.
#5 Updated by victorr over 3 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Ready to Test
- Target version set to 1.12.0
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
We have made some changes in this last 1.12.0 release and would like some feedback on this issue. Thanks.