Bug #13519
The sky looks like crap
The sky looks like crap (see screenshots)
How to reproduce:
1- run KSP, load or create a game, put a vessel on the launch pad
2- time warp untill the sun is at the zenith (use shadows to get it more or less right)
3- zoom out almost at the limit of the zoom
4- look at the sky
Possible solution:
Change AtmosphereFromGround.transform.localScale from 1.025 to 1.05 (see screenshots for result)
at the moment all atmospheric planets have the localScale at 1.025 as far as I can tell. setting it at 1.05 fixes all the issues as far as I can tell.
more specifically, AtmosphereFromGround has a "OuterRadius" which is always 1.025,
right now localscale and outerradius are the same, I found that doubling the distance from 1 of OuterRadius and use that number in AFG.transform.localScale gives always good result
so for OuterRadius = 1.025 you use localScale = 1.05, for OuterRadius = 1.05 you would use localScale = 1.1
right now all atmospheric planets have OuterRadius = 1.025 so all the localScale can be set to 1.05
of course localScale is a vector, so all values (x, y and z) have to be set to 1.05
hope this helped
#1 Updated by bewing over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready to Test
- Target version set to 1.3.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
It doesn't have a hard edge anymore in 1.3.0. Please retest and see if it's good enough.
#2 Updated by dok_377 over 7 years ago
- File screenshot35.jpg screenshot35.jpg added
1.3.0 definitely has a hard edge. And on top of that it still has that "layering" effect in the atmosphere, low and high altitudes. 1.1 sure did some help with smoothing that effect, but it's still there. Color gradient in the atmospheres is still way too rough and that white band not looking very good at all.
#3 Updated by Sigma88 over 7 years ago
yeah, I don't think AtmosphereFromGround got changed at all, all parameters are set to the same values as before as far as I can tell.
and the edge is still there.
same steps to reproduce as before:
- put a vessel on the launchpad (don't move the camera)
- zoom out until you see the edge
#4 Updated by Sigma88 over 7 years ago
this appear to be solved on the pre-release 1.3.1
thanks a lot for addressing this issue!
#5 Updated by Sigma88 over 7 years ago
- Version changed from 1.2.2 to 1.3.1
apparently the fix itroduced in the 1.3.1-prerelease was reverted before release
this issue is still present in 1.3.1 release
#6 Updated by Anth12 almost 6 years ago
- File screenshot1.png screenshot1.png added
- Status changed from Ready to Test to Not Fixed
- % Done changed from 80 to 50
Been quite a while....but not fixed.