


  • Registered on: 02/10/2020
  • Last connection: 04/04/2021




02:17 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #25548: Same vessel docking ports dock misaligned and can only be manually undocked
Issue #24435 appears to be solved, so then this issue boils down to the same vessel docking ports not being alighned ...


05:17 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #24820 (Resolved): buttons on axis in Graphical Maneuver editor grow when clicking
After playing a bit more I consider the issue to be fixed, thank you :)


04:32 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #24820: buttons on axis in Graphical Maneuver editor grow when clicking
Have been playing a little bit and so far so good, haven't tested it a lot so will let know if it happens again, othe...


05:36 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #25931 (New): Debug section in action menu stays enabled in VAB/SPH and causes lag
When you enable the show aero data in Action menu option in the debug menu in-flight, the debug section of the action...


09:48 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #25548 (New): Same vessel docking ports dock misaligned and can only be manually undocked
Related to: #24435 *--> Solved*
Undocking/uncoupling is different for same vessel interactions and seperate vessel...


10:28 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #24820 (Resolved): buttons on axis in Graphical Maneuver editor grow when clicking
*Steps to replicate:*
It doesn't happen all the time, but once it happens then it happens throughout the game.
1. O...

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