



Results (45)

Bug #28677 (New): Rocket Exploding due to "Structural failure between linkage" with buggy behavior
While I was trying to launch a rocket, it rep ... ppened. I actually don't know how to proceed. 12/18/2022 05:56 PM
Bug #28665 (New): Bug: Rover wheels do not se ... created vehicle, or Contract placed vehicle.
only visual mods, other mod removed was FulllAutoStrut, this did not help, files fully verified. 10/22/2022 04:25 AM
Feedback #28377 (New): Autostrut through robotics
It applies to docking ports too. If possible I'd like to see an autostrut capability for "strut across robotics" that would do exactly as advertised. 08/01/2021 06:24 AM
Bug #28302 (New): EVA construction and removing Docking Port Jr can cause crafts to react violently
KSP 1.12.1 + BG + MH Note the video below ... attached minimum *C7 Brand Adapter* has its autostrut set to heaviest part It needs a part like t ... ysical struts that are causing the issue. 07/16/2021 08:43 AM
Bug #28267 (New): Radially attached Robotics are Blocking Heaviest Autostruts (Just like the new docking ports in #28256)
KSP 1.12.1 + BG + MH dok_377 noted in #282 ... ical to what the new docking ports are doing. 07/13/2021 12:56 AM
Bug #28266 (New): Argument Out of Range Excep ... the pod with EVA construction..and visualize autostruts is enabled.
KSP 1.12.1 + BG + MH Do the following: # ... # Launch with engineer # *Turn on visualize autostruts* # EVA engineer # Turn on EVA constructio ... r testing Doesn't happen if the visualize autostruts is turned off. +Error in log is as follo ... 7ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0) Part.DrawAutoStrutLine () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e ... () (at <a5c262f7fe724eb9918d4487db8b635e>:0) 07/13/2021 12:44 AM
Bug #28256 (Confirmed): Undocked Radially Attached Docking Ports are Blocking Heaviest Autostruts
KSP 1.12.1 + BG + MH *No Radial DP.png* as ... *RadialDPHeaviestPartBug.craft* For Testing 07/11/2021 11:27 AM
Bug #28233 (New): Kracken Attacks Kerbals While Connecting Struts
Win 64, all DLC, no mods, latest updates O ... pelled Kerbal thing should have its own, too. 07/09/2021 02:19 AM
Bug #28091 (New): MK2 Clamp-O-Tron makes craft unstable
The MK2 Clamp-O-Tron is not as rigid as the o ... sted on a clean install without any mods. 06/28/2021 08:29 AM
Bug #28032 (New): New docking ports are too wobbly.
Any heavy and big ships or stations that are ... ons with this docking ports being soo wobbly. 06/25/2021 02:37 AM