


Bug #27145

EVE and Tylo biome maps need correcting

Added by wile1411 about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Linux, OSX, Windows
Core Game
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


EVE has a biome called 'Craters' listed on it's biome color reference.
Looking at the EVE biome map and the biome color identifiers, the reason for craters not showing up is due to the Craters & Impact_Ejecta both having the same color code.
color = 0.654901981,0.396078438,0.980392158,1 // RGBA [167, 101, 250, 255]

As the EVE biome map doesn't have a unique color for the Craters biome - it gets seen as Impact_Ejecta
Correcting the color code for the Craters biome AND updating the EVE biome texture map to reference the new color would fix this.

Tylo, has two instances of 'Gagarin Crater' biome in the biome map. Tylo also have a color reference for a 'Grissom Crater', but there is nothing on the biome map with this color.

For the Tylo issue, the required update would be to change the Tylo biome texture to one of the craters mentioned in the original report to the color of the Gagarin Crater biome.
Below color for Gagarin Crater missing from biome map:
color = 0.58431375,0.388235301,0.274509817,1 //RGBA [149, 99, 70, 255]

Original report of issue

8YqLuke.png (1.95 MB) 8YqLuke.png AYes, 01/28/2021 04:57 PM
ryW0J7c.png (1.34 MB) ryW0J7c.png AYes, 01/28/2021 04:57 PM


#1 Updated by AYes about 4 years ago


#2 Updated by [email protected] about 4 years ago

Yes this is nasty when you get missons to get science and you decide best place to get those sciences are those biomes mentioned on mission describtions, but then you find out they doesnt exists. Tho objects are at their corresponding biomes, just have to Google where those biomes are.

#3 Updated by Dunbaratu about 4 years ago

Where does the stock game show you colors for biomes? I would be surprised to find that there's colors defined for biomes in stock when the only place I ever saw biomes get drawn is with mods like ScanSat.

#4 Updated by wile1411 about 4 years ago

Stock has a colour display that projects over the planet when in map mode. The biomes are defined in the API. Information was initially grabbed using a Kopernicus kittopia-dumps (with no planet packs installed).

This was verified in the current KSP version with looking at the public API values.

#5 Updated by Dunbaratu about 4 years ago

wile1411 wrote:

Stock has a colour display that projects over the planet when in map mode.

I know that isn't the point of this ticket, but could you tell me where that is? I've only ever seen that for Ore, not for Biome. It would be a useful feature but I thought biomes were always invisible except with mods.

#6 Updated by [email protected] about 4 years ago

Dunbaratu wrote:

wile1411 wrote:

Stock has a colour display that projects over the planet when in map mode.

I know that isn't the point of this ticket, but could you tell me where that is? I've only ever seen that for Ore, not for Biome. It would be a useful feature but I thought biomes were always invisible except with mods.

ctrl+alt+f12 cheats you can find show biomes.

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