


Bug #25068

Rotation servo not rotating after vessel launch

Added by ShadowZone almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

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Breaking Ground
English (US)
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Arrow d r red


Sometimes, when attaching rotator parts they appear to work fine in the editor but when launching the vehicle, they don't rotate at all.

See video:

.craft file attached

tmp.craft (242 KB) tmp.craft Vehicle with problematic part ShadowZone, 03/19/2020 11:47 AM
watwat.craft (69.8 KB) watwat.craft Stock craft with bug bluesaberist, 05/24/2020 03:21 AM


#1 Updated by ShadowZone almost 5 years ago

  • Subject changed from Rotator not rotating after vessel launch to Rotation servo not rotating after vessel launch

#2 Updated by Technicalfool almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Investigating
  • Assignee set to Technicalfool
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

#3 Updated by Technicalfool almost 5 years ago

Thanks for the report. I've confirmed the behaviour with that craft in a stock 1.9.1 install, after re-saving it without the mod parts.

What I can't do yet is reproduce it with a craft that was built stock-only from the ground up. Investigations are ongoing.

#4 Updated by ShadowZone almost 5 years ago

Technicalfool wrote:

Thanks for the report. I've confirmed the behaviour with that craft in a stock 1.9.1 install, after re-saving it without the mod parts.

What I can't do yet is reproduce it with a craft that was built stock-only from the ground up. Investigations are ongoing.

Thanks for the update!
Sorry for not providing a pure stock vehicle, I wasn't aware MechJeb and Trajectories would register parts in the .craft file.

One way I encounter this is by using mirror symmetry when attaching servos, build my assembly thats connected to the servo, delete it, undo the delete, copy it (alt+leftclick) and place it somewhere else.
This also sometimes results in the mirrored parts after copying them having a completely different orientation.

#5 Updated by dnbattley almost 5 years ago

Adding to this bug report (as I believe I have experienced the same issue and following investigation) it appears to relate to servos attached with mirror symmetry where they have limited rotation enabled: if full rotation is allowed then servo operates normally, but if the rotation is limited (e.g. -90 degrees to 0) then only one of the two servos will operate correctly at launch.

#6 Updated by ShadowZone almost 5 years ago

dnbattley wrote:

Adding to this bug report (as I believe I have experienced the same issue and following investigation) it appears to relate to servos attached with mirror symmetry where they have limited rotation enabled: if full rotation is allowed then servo operates normally, but if the rotation is limited (e.g. -90 degrees to 0) then only one of the two servos will operate correctly at launch.

Yes, I was also limiting the servo rotation when using mirror symmetry. Thank you for reminding me. Hope this helps tracking down the issue.

#7 Updated by ryuazuku almost 5 years ago

One thing that is odd with this bug is that if you try and put the servo that wont move at the angle you wanted it to be at, then invert its direction, it will rapidly rotate a little bit one way then return to 0 degrees.

#8 Updated by bluesaberist over 4 years ago

I think I'm seeing this bug, and I've uploaded the ship it's happening with which is all stock parts. In this case, the right wing servo isn't rotating, and I'm placing the mirrored parts on the left side.

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