Bug #19491
Dampener and Springiness values when loading in a rover
When you modify the dampener and spring strength of rover wheels, the changes are not loaded in upon going to the craft via tracker or reloading a quicksave.
Steps: Launched and landed Little Runner II (see attached) on Minmus (under its default name) with spring/dampeners set to default value. Rover bounces around and is generally uncontrollable (NOTE: SAS, and reaction wheels are turned OFF)
Next, modified Spring strength to 0.15 and dampeners to 1.80. Launched and landed same rover on Minmus (under the name Ichiban). The rover drove like a dream, able to reach speeds of 10m/s without flipping over or bouncing.
Then, saved and reloaded Ichiban later, noticed that the vehicle bounced around as if spring and dampeners are at default values. i.e. Ichiban now drives no different than Little Runner II despite prior to reloading craft both vehicles driving vastly different. Note the peristent.sfs still shows the dampener and spring values at 1.8 and 0.15.
How to reproduce:
(1) Go to VAB, launch Little Runner II. Make sure dampener and spring strength is set to values above. Note only middle wheel has active motor. (2) Land on Minmus, experience amazing driving. (3) Save, go to KSC, reload craft and notice bouncing
#1 Updated by krimsalt over 6 years ago
Note only mods are Kerbal Engineer, and cosmetic mods (SVE, EVE, Scatterer)
#2 Updated by krimsalt over 6 years ago
I now attempted to try with 4 wheels instead of 6. I put a new rover on Minmus and the rover worked perfectly. High dampen, low springiness, I was able to climb up the slope to get science and drive around. Then I loaded the rover from the KSC to do another contract and it's acting up like this. It only does this on Minmus, my Mun rovers are still fine
Normal acting: https://youtu.be/fk9YRGuHOak
The EXACT SAME vehicle loaded up later: https://youtu.be/EkWT5sIndDI
#3 Updated by Tomator over 6 years ago
This is related to issue #19427 and the problem applies to other gears and landing legs as well. Please vote as relevant to attract Squad's attention (hope it does).
I'm in the middle of the mission to establish base on Ike. While the base must be on motorized wheels I doubt it will satisfy the requirement of keeping stability for 10s before this bug is resolved (unless Ike's gravity is much more stabilizing than the on of Minmus).
#5 Updated by victorr over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready to Test
- Target version set to 1.12.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
We have made some changes in this last 1.12.0 release and would like some feedback on this issue. Thanks.