Bug #16952
Vessels Spawn On Runway Doesn't Align to Runway
This bug is here since there is runway... the runway is pointing 90.5 degrees, but vessels spawn is pointing 90 degrees, so if you don't turn at all, you will be probably goes a bit closer to left side of the runway.
#1 Updated by Ruedii about 7 years ago
This probably should be addressed in the upcoming runway rework.
#2 Updated by Ruedii almost 7 years ago
- Severity changed from Critical to High
Marked as high, not critical, because it is at most 1 degree off. It is still a significant problem to the point that it can be disruptive on larger craft that need the full length of the runway to take off, but it is just not game-breaking.
#3 Updated by bewing over 6 years ago
- File runway1.png runway1.png added
- File runway2.png runway2.png added
- Expansion Core Game added
Basically, you have the bug completely backwards. The runway is perfectly straight, and correctly aligned within one minute of arc (2 meters at most).
The problem is that all wheeled vehicles pull to the left because of a Unity bug.