Bug #14696
Context menu buttons unresponsive after saving game file with Enter
A consistent repeatable error occurs in vanilla KSP v1.2.2.1622 (OSXPlayer) installed via Steam on OSX whereby the in-game menu options (deploy drill, shutdown engine, aim camera etc.) fail unexpectedly. This issue persists until the in-game instance is changed (e.g. user returns to space centre, tracking station etc.) whereupon it reverts to normal upon flying the craft once again.
To repeatably generate this error:
From any new or existing game, launch in-game state (e.g. "launch" a manned command pod on launchpad)
Right mouse click on any relevant part
Buttons will register click and function normally
Menu -> save... -> [any filename] -> Press "enter" (do not click "ok" button)
(If save file already exists then additional step generated, but this makes no difference to error)
Game state returns
Right mouse click on relevant part
Buttons will not register click (including "aim camera" or "rename vessel" - i.e. this is not a remote control issue)
Return to Tracking Station
Immediately fly previous craft
Right mouse click on relevant part
Buttons will now register click and function normally again
The issue appears to be around the use of "enter" for save game filename confirmation, as clicking "ok" instead will not generate this error.
#1 Updated by dnbattley almost 8 years ago
System spec:
MacBook Pro 2015 Retina i5
MacOS Sierra 10.12.3
#2 Updated by dnbattley almost 8 years ago
1 further update: on further testing the issue corrects itself if a save is made again and on the second time the "save" button is pressed instead of pressing "enter".
#3 Updated by bewing almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from In game menu buttons fail after saving game file to Context menu buttons unresponsive after saving game file with Enter
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
- Platform Windows added