


Bug #13213

Small kraken in terrain near KSP

Added by mdosogne almost 8 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

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Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


Just built a new rover and went for a drive near KSP. The rover handles really well, to the point of hitting the craslerway edge-on at 20m/s, getting airborne and surviving... but I hit an invisible bump in the grasslands near KSC and it exploded and flipped over, with both crew ejected from seats. Upon closer inspection, there appears to be a thin crack / glitch in the terrain near (0°10' S, 75°20' W).

screenshot48.png (1.06 MB) screenshot48.png Crack visible from this side mdosogne, 11/10/2016 03:20 AM
screenshot52.png (1.83 MB) screenshot52.png Levitating kerbal mdosogne, 11/10/2016 03:20 AM


#1 Updated by mdosogne almost 8 years ago

NOTE: the only mod installed is KER (to locate the problem).
Terrain detail was set to Default when the problem occurred.
Re-loading a save at that location produces inconsistent results - size of crack and direction from which it can be seen varies, as well as the difference in ground-contact elevation on either side of the crack -- but there's always a crack.
Following the crack southward leads to another perpendicular crack at (0°12'59" S, 75°20' W)

#2 Updated by Nebbie almost 8 years ago

There are thin cracks all over on all bodies, even on KSC's runway.

#3 Updated by swjr-swis almost 8 years ago

See also report #13190 for a similar issue on Minmus (but with a much bigger gap).

#4 Updated by Hexicube almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

I've also had this issue, these seams are in a grid and occur wherever the PQS squares join up. The issue is also still present in 1.2.2.

I can also confirm their inconsistency. Each quad varies in position after each quick-load (even for the same quick-save), which is most easily noticed with a rover as sometimes it will jump up to match the terrain and sometimes will not.

Seams are visible from a distance:

Seams can sometimes have a width:

Closest seam to KSC on high terrain quality:

This is not an issue with how ground height is calculated, but rather how the absolute position of terrain quads is calculated.
The seams have a consistent height going along them, if it's 10cm at your location it will be 10cm along the entire edge.

Steps to prove inconsistency:
1. Set terrain quality to high (higher quality makes seams more frequent)
2. Make a rover and drive west (towards mountain range) until you find a crack (should be 1/3rd the length of the runway away)
3. Park on top of the crack
4. Quick-save, and repeatedly quick-load
Every time you quick-load the crack is different, and sometimes your wheels are in the ground.

This is also arguably game-breaking, since it causes issues with rovers and could potentially cause a base to pop out of the ground and explode.

This is not related to #13190, as the issue there is a single terrain vertex being incorrect as opposed to entire quads.

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