





11:22 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #16088: Asteroid renamed in the tracking station forgets its name.
I revalidated the files on Steam and started a new game. This time a sandbox game. I did some F12 unlimited fuel chea...
09:07 AM Kerbal Space Program Feedback #16089: PartModule does not save UPGRADESAPPLIED during .OnSave .
JPLRepo has answered on the forum (


04:26 AM Kerbal Space Program Feedback #16089 (Closed): PartModule does not save UPGRADESAPPLIED during .OnSave .
I have a class called "HeavyHelixSampleStorage" that inherits PartModule. My class has a KSPField named "MyValue". Du...
03:50 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #16088 (Closed): Asteroid renamed in the tracking station forgets its name.
I have an asteroid in a campaign game named "Ast. FRS-057". I have a crewed rocket parked nearby.
In the tracking ...


04:01 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #7698: Administration building flickering.
cocodapuf wrote:
> Now if I click on the administration building with the pin clearly in view, the admin building wo...


06:58 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #3847: Rockets get stuck on the Launchpad (again).
I run a quite modded version 1.0.5. of the game, but it seems this problem can still happen from time to time. My exa...

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