Bug #9719
Pilots in EVA have SAS option
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Toggling T in EVA for pilots won't work, but if you click on the SAS light to turn it on with the mouse, SAS turns on for pilots. Pilots should not have SAS. For non-pilots, it just states that there is no SAS module or pilots aboard (lol there are no Pilots inside of Bill)
To test this, just get any Pilot in EVA and click on the SAS light on the navball to turn it on
Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Clarification
Updated by bewing over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Clarification to Updated
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Still happens in ver 1.1.3.
Updated by MiniMatt over 8 years ago
- File ksp-bug9719.png ksp-bug9719.png added
- Status changed from Updated to Confirmed
Can confirm in Win x64. EVA'd kerbals can have SAS visually enabled by clicking on the SAS button, pressing T does not visually enable.
Double checked whether the SAS modes had any effect in orbit and they do not (ie. retrograde SAS toggle does not point your EVA'd kerbal retrograde) - presumably kerbals don't have internal torque wheels.