Bug #9597
Jumping Hyperbolic Maneuver Node
After creating a maneuver node on a hyperbolic orbit, grabbing and attempting to drag the node to a new position along the orbital tract causes the node to instantly jump in the direction of the "<Body> Escape" position (typically an hour or 2 hours further down the trajectory path), and become locked to that relative position while dragging. This appears to have something to do with mouse-position-offsets and "right-clickable"-persistent-text-producing-orbit-tab-objects like the "Periapsis", "Apoapsis", "Acending Node", ect tabs.
Steps to Reproduce:
Launch from Kerbin
Establish a hyperbolic flyby of Minimus or the Mun (also seems to work for other planets, e.g. Duna)
You may focus your view on the body of interest, or not, the bug can be created either way.
Create a new maneuver node on top of (or nearby to) the "Periapsis" tab for the body you are flying by.
Click-and-drag the central ring of the maneuver node (should allow you to re-position the node).
Observe the maneuver node "Jump" further down the trajectory path.
Continuing the "click-and-draging" action on the node will still move the node; however, the node is offset by a significant amount and it becomes difficult to position it near the center of the screen, as the mouse cursor will be stopped by the side of the screen.
If instead of creating the maneuver node near the "Periapsis" tab, you create the node near the entry-point to the hyperbolic flyby. You can click and drag the maneuver node as normal. However, right-clicking off of the node (so that it collapses down into a brown jack-shaped-placeholder) will allow the bug to happen again when you re-expand the node and attempt to click-and-drag it once more (provided the node is now, again, near the "Periapsis" tab).
This bug can be particularly frustrating when attempting to plot a rendezvous with an orbiting object directly from flyby.
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#1 Updated by Pluto239 almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
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#2 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
- % Done changed from 10 to 0
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#4 Updated by chris.fulton over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Clarification to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
#5 Updated by chris.fulton over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
Closing, QA has not been able to reproduce this issue for some time and in effort of the database cleanup that is underway this bug is being closed.