Feature #447
Make A.S.A.S. tunable
As far as I understand it, the SAS's PID controller constants are now fixed and thus in most cases out of tune with th ship's response.
In small and light ships, or medium-sized ships with lots of RCS thrusters ( and empty tanks), SAS overshoots so badly, that it sometimes never stabilizes.
And when the ship is only slightly wobbly ( large ships, or anything with a docking port naturally are ) ASAS+RCS action will almost always cause undamped oscillations, that, even when they don't break the ship apart, make ASAS+RCS all but useless.
All this could be solved by allowing the user to do some loop tuning on the PID constants by clicking on ASAS would display GUI window where you could, within certain limits, change the PID constants.
For example you could reduce the overall force to prevent the ship from overshooting hugely when it spent fuel, decoupled stuff, etc... and is now much lighter as it was initially. Or to bring the response time out of tune with ship's wobble resonance frequency so that it can dampen out oscillations instead of creating and amplifying them.
#1 Updated by Mr_Orion almost 12 years ago
I believe this is planned with Tweakables.
#2 Updated by MBobrik almost 12 years ago
Is there a list of what exactly will be tweakable ? clicked on the link in Planned features but that leads nowhere.
#3 Updated by umbralraptor over 11 years ago
ASAS is tunable, but only if you edit the part.cfg file manually, and restart KSP. An in-VAB tuning is needed, though.
#4 Updated by Ruedii over 11 years ago
A good stop-gap measure (to prevent ASAS from causing control flutter, ripping apart space craft) would be for ASAS to slowly increase the control until it neutralizes the undesired rotation and pushes it back towards the original center, much like if you are using the keyboard in precision mode.
It also shouldn't override controls unless you completely stop the motion towards the desired nose angle, or you push it away from the desired nose angle.