


Bug #4134

Terrain clipping issues on Ike and Mun

Added by Vereox almost 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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Usually my problem goes like this:

I land a base or a simple lander on the surface. Then a kerbal goes on EVA. Once they reach a certain distance away from the lander/base the game stutters for a bit but all is fine. Once I have done whatever it is that I've needed to do. I start to head back to the lander with the kerbal. Then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose. The lander explodes and gets flung into space. Pieces go everywhere and the base or lander is more often than not destroyed.

As a general rule of thumb I don't have any SAS active or have any engines activated when I land something and it is staying there. (just to note)

But recently I just landed a base on Ike and sent a kerbal out to do some science a few hundred metres away. When the kerbal went 250 metres away from the base, the base suddenly started falling downwards, into the moon. It stopped at about 350 metres away. Curious, I sent the kerbal back over to investigate. Once I was essentially standing right on top the base (except that it was underground), the base suddenly popped back up to the surface, then promptly exploded. Sending parts and the kerbal into space.

Attached to this is the output file and screenshots with the debug open.

output_log.txt (947 KB) output_log.txt Vereox, 02/24/2015 05:48 AM
2015-02-14_00014.jpg (271 KB) 2015-02-14_00014.jpg Vereox, 02/24/2015 05:48 AM
2015-02-14_00013.jpg (310 KB) 2015-02-14_00013.jpg Vereox, 02/24/2015 05:48 AM
2015-02-14_00015.jpg (257 KB) 2015-02-14_00015.jpg Vereox, 02/24/2015 05:48 AM
2015-02-14_00016.jpg (224 KB) 2015-02-14_00016.jpg Vereox, 02/24/2015 05:49 AM


#1 Updated by Vereox almost 10 years ago

Edit: I haven't mentioned that this happens on Mun in my original post, but I have had this happen on Mun several times before in the exact same way that it happened on Ike.

#2 Updated by Sethur2 almost 10 years ago

I can confirm this, the exact same thing happened to me on the Mün at least trice with different kinds of landers. I described this in a forum post about the newly discovered "Underground Kraken", but was to lazy until now to put it here on the trackers (thanks Vereox!). Here is the original forum post:

Meanwhile, I found a new bug/issue that is like to be connected with the Underground Kraken. I put it on the tracker as issue #4128. Apparently, if you are using an old settings.cfg file from a previous version of Kerbal in conjunction with Terrain Details set to High, the config will contain a obsolete description of the High preset containing the line: maxSubdivision = 14, where it should be maxSubdivision = 10 with 0.90. Changing this fixed the new bug, but since it apparently concerns the rendering of surfaces and somehow the height model, it might be that the Kraken will also go away if one fixes this.

Edit: Spelling

#3 Updated by Vereox almost 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Under the recommendation from Sethur2, I downloaded the recent version of the settings.cfg file and compared it to the settings.cfg file that I use for my current KSP build.

As is turns out, most of the high terrain settings for the planets and moons are incorrect. After changing the values in my build's settings.cfg file, to the correct values from the more recent settings.cfg file. I loaded up my Ike outpost (which had a 100% rate of encountering this bug) and I could not recreate the bug that I had stated. I changed the values back to the old values and reloaded my Ike outpost and the bug occured.

In conclusion, this bug is caused by the incorrect high terrain values in the settings.cfg file that has been continually used between different versions on KSP.

#4 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#5 Updated by sal_vager about 9 years ago

  • Severity changed from High to Normal

Hi, please be mindful of the bug reporting guidelines and priority table when reporting issues, thank you.

#6 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
  • % Done changed from 10 to 0

#7 Updated by Vereox over 8 years ago

The bug is non-existant with the current version of KSP.
This bug can be removed. :)

#8 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Clarification to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Closing this report out for now. If you find it is still occuring in the latest version of KSP please open a new report (and this one can be linked to it.) For best results, the wiki contains really useful info for when creating a report

You can also ask questions about the bug cleanup in the forum here: and tag @TriggerAu to get my attention

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