Feedback #3389
Oribtal camera on kerbals on EVA on or close to surface of body realigns kerbal and hinders movement
When you have a Kerbal on EVA on the surface of a body (or at least, on the Mun) and use the V key (or similar) to toggle towards the "Camera: Orbital" mode, the kerbal will be aligned to the camera, appearing as if lying down on the surface (soft of), and when you move it using the WSAD keys (or similar) it will almost immediately ragdoll and appear to gain velocity. It's almost as if it's in orbit or something, but on the surface.
Steps to reproduce:
- Land a kerbal on the Mun.
- EVA said kerbal.
- Toggle to the orbital camera.
- Observe the kerbal being aligned to the camera.
- Move the kerbal.
- Observe unintended movement effects.
Found using Windows, 32 bit build. KSP version 0.25 (latest from Steam at 25 October 2014).
I had a screenshot, but Steam crashed and ate it. TIL Steam doesn't actually save the screenshots until you close the game, and if you take too many, Steam will crash if you lack RAM :P
Related issues
#1 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feedback
- Subject changed from Oribtal camera on kerbals on EVA realigns kerbal and hinders movement to Oribtal camera on kerbals on EVA on or close to surface of body realigns kerbal and hinders movement
#2 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago
- Platform Win32 added
- Platform deleted (
#3 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Clarification