Feature #321
On Command Docking for docking ports on composite vessels
Having multiple docking ports connect on dock currently requires extreme precision, and a consistent axis, and is not reliable. Often only one or two ports may actually connect, while the other remains undocked, with no resolution other than to undock and try all over again.
Recommend feature for docking ports to be selected to target specific other docking nodes. Context Menu or Alt-Click functionality similar to fuel transfer would probably be workable UI options for this function. Feature would allow to select a first and second docking port that are part of the same vehicle, and command them to attach. Magnetism should be enough to take care of the rest and allow docking ports to finish the bond.
Facilitates orbital construction by allowing initial docking port on one axis like the front, and then command dock ports on another axis, like the side. Would allow for more robust constructions...especially if combined with rotational docking ports feature #320
Related issues
#1 Updated by Squelch about 9 years ago
- Related to Feature #320: Rotation of Docking Ports added