Feature #292
Gimbaled engines have no roll authority
What happens: When using gimbaled engines for control of rocket, they work to adjust for yaw and pitch, but not for roll, even when placed in radial configuration.
How to reproduce:- Build heavy ship with probe body, sans SAS. Probe rotation torque will be minimal. No winglets. No RCS.
- Use non-gimbaled engines or lock on the centreline.
- Place gimbaled engines on radial stacks or outrigger boosters to the sides & launch.
- Attempt a roll. Response will be negligible compared to attempting with yaw or pitch commands.
- In keeping consistency, if a component can ever be used for control, it should either be able to be tuned for a specific purpose in design, or it needs to work in fire and forget fashion consistently with all other items (RCS etc).
- Anticipate that elements used in rover wheel steering in development could be leveraged.
#1 Updated by Switchblade88 almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
I have observed this, and so confirming as a bug.
#2 Updated by C7 almost 12 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
#3 Updated by sr over 11 years ago
- Version set to 0.19
- Platform Any added
I can confirm this behavior with 0.22 as well.
#4 Updated by RexKramer about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
This appears to have been corrected. Tested in 0.25, with two LV-T45 engines mounted radially. The engines gimbaled in the correct direction during roll inputs (one gimbaled one direction, the opposite engine gimbaled in the opposite direction). This was observed visually by watching the motion of the engines gimballing and also by observing the response of the craft in flight, with reaction wheels disabled, and SAS off.
So, at some point this has been addressed.
#5 Updated by RexKramer about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
#6 Updated by pizzaoverhead almost 10 years ago
RexKramer wrote:
This appears to have been corrected. Tested in 0.25, with two LV-T45 engines mounted radially. The engines gimbaled in the correct direction during roll inputs (one gimbaled one direction, the opposite engine gimbaled in the opposite direction). This was observed visually by watching the motion of the engines gimballing and also by observing the response of the craft in flight, with reaction wheels disabled, and SAS off.
So, at some point this has been addressed.
This feature was added in 0.24:
- Gimballing Engines now respond to roll input.
#7 Updated by RexKramer almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed