Bug #28697
Drag glitch. All parts in line creates a HUGE own drag. Aerodynamic fully lame
Stuctural Tube T-50, Faring AE-FF5 , Plate for engine EP-50 connected in line but each part creates own drag. Its so ridiculous
And total drag so huge that you can use that instead of 8 airbrakes. Plane with this parts connected in line cant reach normal speed even in dive.
Rocket with few stuctural tubes need significant more trust.
Steps for reproduce.
1) create vessel with several parts connected in line (Stuctural Tube T-50, Fairing AE-FF5 , Plate for engine EP-50, etc) As many as possible, would be better if use few short tubes instead one long.
or open my vessel
2) launch that, see on F12. As bonus on 7000+ attitude make dive and try to reach more than 400m/s ;)
How to check that number of parts matter:
1) Replace this parts for one long Fairing AE-FF5. But dont forget to add a weight for same conditions
2) launch that, see on F12. Now u can reach more speed, in fly and in dive.
ps. 5 hours of my life i spent in hole. Just because ksp1 still raw as pre alpha early access game. KSP1 still raw and unfinished as a released game >(
I know about low airpressure zone and turbulence. But not inside a plane