


Bug #28068

Intercepts are glitching out when TimeWarp is engaged

Added by Anth12 over 3 years ago. Updated almost 3 years ago.

Map and Planetarium
Target version:
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Core Game
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


KSP 1.12.0 + BG + MH

When Time Warp is engaged the intercept graphically changes when it shouldn't.

Screenshots for evidence

TimeWarp Intercept Bug.sfs for testing.

Not Time Warping.png (1.65 MB) Not Time Warping.png Anth12, 06/26/2021 11:57 AM
Time Warping.png (1.65 MB) Time Warping.png Anth12, 06/26/2021 11:57 AM
TimeWarp Intercept Bug.sfs (277 KB) TimeWarp Intercept Bug.sfs Anth12, 06/26/2021 11:57 AM
1_11_2 Intercept QS Version.sfs (89.4 KB) 1_11_2 Intercept QS Version.sfs Anth12, 06/26/2021 01:47 PM


#1 Updated by goufalite over 3 years ago

Saw this is 1.11.2 too, even without timewarping they were glitching..

#2 Updated by Anth12 over 3 years ago

KSP 1.11.2 + BG + MH
KSP 1.12.0 + BG + MH

Not the same glitch goufalite.

Added 1.11.2 QuickSave for comparison

Doesn't happen at all in 1.11.2 but does in 1.12.0

#3 Updated by jclovis3 over 3 years ago

This has kind of been the case for a long time. I've always blamed it on rounding errors that develop during the warp much like how the physics gets changed and things like fuel harvesting and power consumption don't match up with how they would at real time speed. It seems like they have to convert to smaller bit-sized numbers for faster visual calculations during a warp but it usually goes back after you drop out. I often jump up to just one warp arrow (5x) manually before using the warp to maneuver as an example. This helps me to see if something is going to jump way out of place first before I make the problem worse as some of these do result in permanent changes (also a bug). I'm really hoping KSP2 does a better job with all of this.

#4 Updated by Anth12 over 3 years ago

Doesnt happen in 1.11

#5 Updated by niftyfingers almost 3 years ago

Happens in too, I found this bug to be repeatable.

As someone else said, the intersect markers glitch even when you aren't timewarping. I was trying to rendezvous with a ship, and even though my predicted trajectory from a maneuver node clearly brought my ship close to another ship (which I could tell because the intersects kind of worked), when I modified the maneuver node to bring the intersect closer to the target ship, the intersect node started glitching out and showing a different intersect other than the obvious closest (closest in time and distance) intersect. I think this is a pretty severe issue and it's still present.

#6 Updated by Anth12 almost 3 years ago

Intercepts/encounters decreased in accuracy in 1.8 for some reason.
Possibly someone who didn't understand how the code worked and replaced it with something inferior or more simple. Not sure why

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