


Bug #2753

New kraken: all ships accelerate randomly and are uncontrollable when time warp is engaged

Added by charredutensil over 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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Something happened after my most recent crafts. I attempted to build a space station by sticking things onto a captured asteroid. Now, whenever ANY craft reaches orbit around ANY body (Except the sun, for some reason?), using time warp causes the following effect:

1. Time warp accelerates to 5x. Sometimes, this is successful and the kraken does not appear until warp reaches 10x
2. Time warp immediately ends.
3. Craft cannot be put into time warp "while it is under acceleration"
4. Craft is indeed accelerating, slowly.
5. Craft cannot be rotated by any means (reaction wheels, RCS, crashing).
6. Sometimes, craft will be torn to shreds under certain circumstances (tried a takeoff from Min and that ripped through itself when I engaged time warp)

I have tried deleting every single craft and launching a new one. This one immediately exploded when I turned on time warp when it reached orbit, but the command module stayed intact, unrotatable, and accelerating.

I have only one mod installed - Kerbal Alarm Clock - but don't know how to uninstall it to see if that's causing the issues somehow. (I have the version from Steam) I have no alarms set.

quicksave.sfs (726 KB) quicksave.sfs [email protected] charredutensil, 07/12/2014 12:38 AM
2014-07-12_00001.jpg (226 KB) 2014-07-12_00001.jpg What I built just before the issue began charredutensil, 07/12/2014 12:40 AM
2014-07-12_00002.jpg (165 KB) 2014-07-12_00002.jpg Trying to ram the station charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00003.jpg (184 KB) 2014-07-12_00003.jpg Just a little further... (note how much time has passed) charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00004.jpg (169 KB) 2014-07-12_00004.jpg Still won't explode charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00005.jpg (172 KB) 2014-07-12_00005.jpg This happened instantly after rotating charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00007.jpg (175 KB) 2014-07-12_00007.jpg Yep, that's debris... charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00009.jpg (231 KB) 2014-07-12_00009.jpg The thrusters do nothing now... charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00010.jpg (191 KB) 2014-07-12_00010.jpg Notice how the monopropellant tank is attached there now charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM
2014-07-12_00011.jpg (213 KB) 2014-07-12_00011.jpg And now this piece is accelerating into the sky while the rest of the debris moves on a slow path back down to Kerbin charredutensil, 07/12/2014 11:39 AM (500 KB) Savegame contining the issue tirbelain, 07/20/2014 08:07 AM
DxDiag.txt (38.1 KB) DxDiag.txt system specs tirbelain, 07/20/2014 08:07 AM
DxDiag.txt (76.5 KB) DxDiag.txt [email protected] HeartOfGolf, 01/05/2015 06:57 AM (743 KB) [email protected] HeartOfGolf, 01/05/2015 06:57 AM
Possiblekrakenbug.sfs (1.54 MB) Possiblekrakenbug.sfs [email protected] RexRectumIV, 07/04/2015 05:00 PM
quicksave.sfs (2.02 MB) quicksave.sfs [email protected] nikvolf, 08/03/2015 06:56 PM

Related issues

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Related to Kerbal Space Program - Feedback #5150: NullReferenceException: Phantom Acceleration, Claw Glitches, Frozen Vessels, Spontaneous DeconstructionClosed06/21/2015
Related to Kerbal Space Program - Bug #5264: NPE caused by connecting active vessel to non-active vessel klawDuplicate07/24/2015

Has duplicate Kerbal Space Program - Bug #5098: Docking with claw when claw-equipped ship not focused breaks physicsDuplicate06/01/2015

Has duplicate Kerbal Space Program - Bug #5326: Vessel accelerates without any engines firingDuplicate08/16/2015

Has duplicate Kerbal Space Program - Bug #5137: Spontaneous Acceleration and explosionDuplicate06/15/2015


#2 Updated by charredutensil over 10 years ago

UPDATE: I added and deleted an alarm from Kerbal Alarm Clock, and the problem disappeared. However, when I moved another ship closer to this space station, the warp problems reappeared. I tried ramming the new spacecraft part into the station, which did nothing, although turning the ship caused the entire station to promptly explode into fragments. Then, the parts still connected to the command module I was using had their rotation locked and started accelerating on their own away from Kerbin. The acceleration always seems to occur AWAY from the orbiting body.

#4 Updated by tirbelain over 10 years ago

I am experiencing the same problem.
I'm not sure when I first encountered this, probably it was early in 0.23.5. That was just after I started using mods and after removing them (especially the "Distant Objects" mod seemed to be related) the problem was gone (that's why I didn't report it back then). But now, in 0.24 it is back, with or without the mods.

To me the ships' behavior looks like they are not following their orbit anymore but just moving along their current direction vector. The orbit is following the ship, hence being shifted along the travelling direction, keeping its relative location with regard to the ship.

Further, strange physics forces are applied to the ships sometimes, causing them to be twisted around in an unhealthy way and (sometimes) ripping them apart.

When you return to the Space Center (losing data since last save) and then jump back into a ship, the problem is gone until you start time-accelerating again. Physics warp works just fine and doesn't trigger that problem.

Quitting and restarting the game seems to resolve that problem at least for some time but eventually it occurs again. I haven't found a way to reliable reproduce this issue so far but I'll keep investigating.

#5 Updated by tirbelain over 10 years ago

Ok, I have found a way to reproduce the issue at 100%. Maybe not all the steps are necessary but this caused the bug to appear every single time I tried (approx. 20 times).
Just to make sure I have a stock install, I re-downloaded a fresh installation from Steam and used that for testing.

How to reproduce:
  • Extract the into your "saves" directory
  • Start the game and resume "kraken"
  • (Load "kraken-situation" sfs (Esc + Load Save from KSC) <- actually this appears to be not necessary)
  • Goto Tracking Station
  • Fly "Antares Science Station" (the only station in the savegame)
  • Press 'M' to open map
  • Switch to "Munar Science Lander B" (one of the two capsules)
  • Turn Prograde and boost up to approx. 2000 m/s orbital speed, then cut thrust
  • press '.' twice to time accelerate at 10x (sometimes it doesn't occur at 5x acceleration)
    -> See the "Cannot warp faster than 1x while the ship is under acceleration" and watch the orbit change

Just for completeness I added my system specs (in case that is a PhysX driver issue or something like that).

Hope that helps. :)

#6 Updated by charredutensil over 10 years ago

I uninstalled Kerbal Alarm Clock and the bug persisted, so it wasn't that mod at all. My issues were also definitely space-station related, as I haven't yet reproduced this without visiting a space station in-game, and the bug didn't appear until shortly after I discovered how to use docking ports.

@terbelain 's method reliably reproduces the bug for me. I think it has something to do with the fact that the ship was undocked from the space station. Mine is made up of one asteroid and a handful of parts attached during different launches. It tends to occur immediately after undocking from said station. I haven't had it occur after undocking two simple ships.

Another odd thing to note: SOMETIMES the space station accelerates to infinity with me, particularly when it's closer, and sometimes it does not.

#7 Updated by tirbelain over 10 years ago

This also happens to ships that were never even close to my station.
My current guess is that the physics tick might get out of sync with the game tick due to bad performance while being around the station (or large structures in general) and tries to catch up on during time-acceleration where physics are usually disabled. Or it might be something completely different. ;)

#8 Updated by charredutensil over 10 years ago

I just noticed that this is probably the same glitch:

well, the effects of it at least.

#9 Updated by tirbelain over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

As we actually have working reproduction steps I think it s save to set this to confirmed.

#10 Updated by xxbrandonoxx over 10 years ago

Happens on Mac/OSX as well

#11 Updated by tirbelain over 10 years ago

Still happens in 0.25. Just checked it in a stock install with the savegame and reproduction steps from comment #5.

#12 Updated by lomendil about 10 years ago

I just want to add that I am experiencing this exact behavior (without asteroid) in 0.25 on linux x64, however the sfs it is happening in is using some mods. If it's useful to load a save that was created with mods into a stock instance, I can definitely do that. I can probably edit out all of the non-stock parts. Either way, the behavior is the same, and I can trigger it by loading a particular save and using time warp. The root node of the active ship will have its orientation locked and start accelerating away from its SOI body.

Edit: I did prune the non-stock parts and have replicated the behavior in stock 0.25. I'll attach two sfs files, approximately 180 s apart, one before the bug shows up and one after. A space plane was drifting towards a refueling station, and I was holding down 'n'. The problem seems to be related to the two vessels being close together.

#13 Updated by lomendil about 10 years ago

  • File postbug.sfs added
  • File prebug.sfs added

#14 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Need More Info
  • % Done changed from 10 to 0

While i was able to reproduce this problem in stock win32 0.025 using the savegame from #2753-5 there is still far too much going on to be able to create simple reproduction steps.

The craft does indeed continue to accelerate without an obvious source of propulsion. The orbit, and distance to nearby objects will visually increase, but the velocity shown in the Navball continues to show as constant. The craft cannot be controlled while in this state.

I've marked this as needing more information for the simple reason that the reproduction steps require a complex savegame. (The possibility of a corrupt save cannot easily be ruled out)

Please note: Modded games cannot be supported on this tracker unless there is a rare or specific case for interaction.

#15 Updated by lomendil about 10 years ago

Squelch wrote:

I've marked this as needing more information for the simple reason that the reproduction steps require a complex savegame. (The possibility of a corrupt save cannot easily be ruled out)

Could the before and after savegames in be used to rule out or isolate save corruption?

#16 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

lomendil wrote:

Could the before and after savegames in be used to rule out or isolate save corruption?

The short answer is not really.

The long answer is that by your own admission, it is a modded game, and that you have manually edited it. While this may work in many cases without problem, we are dealing with an esoteric bug that must be concisely reproducible to be able to forward to the devs. Is the problem down to some whitespace or improper line ending in the save? Was that whitespace or line ending introduced by your edit or the previous mods? just for example.

I will review your saves in the hope of discovering a step by step reproduction. Thank you for the time spent on this.

We must rule out as many variables as possible, including saves if at all possible.

#17 Updated by tirbelain about 10 years ago

Could you please explain what kind of reproduction would be appropriate? As the problem seems to be related to complex crafts it is probably unfeasible to not include a savegame in that process.

Just for the record (because I didn't mention that earlier): the savegame from #2753-5 was directly taken from the game and not modified manually. If it is corrupt this must be due to another bug. ;)

#18 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

tirbelain wrote:

Could you please explain what kind of reproduction would be appropriate? As the problem seems to be related to complex crafts it is probably unfeasible to not include a savegame in that process.

We need to remove as many variables or unimportant details as possible. This bug is not occurring for everyone all of the time, so there must be a unique set of circumstances or steps that will enable us to reconstruct it. If it does indeed require more complex craft or combinations of parts, then in all probability those combinations will be a factor. To forensically examine complicated craft and scenarios for no reason is a waste of time, and is of no use to the developers in identifying the cause.

The steps need to be as simple as possible. ie

Put vessel a into x orbit.
Put vessel b into Y orbit
Switch between vessels A & B once
Increase Vessel A orbit to Z

The vessels must have the minimum number of parts to produce the issue.

Just for the record (because I didn't mention that earlier): the savegame from #2753-5 was directly taken from the game and not modified manually. If it is corrupt this must be due to another bug. ;)

Indeed, and this is a possibility that can't be ruled out and would need investigation. There is no doubt in my mind that this is an issue, but the reasons for it are very unclear, and there are too many other factors that could have caused it. We need to rule them out to be able to justifiably call it a bug. Thank you for your efforts on this problem. I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it.

#19 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

  • File deleted (postbug.sfs)

#20 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

  • File deleted (prebug.sfs)

#21 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

The edited savegames are simply unusable. Upon loading they turn KSP into a slideshow, and the logs are so full of errors, that nothing meaningful can be obtained.

I have removed them from this issue so they won't confuse others. Please refrain from departing from the excellent bug reporting guide found here

#22 Updated by tirbelain about 10 years ago

After spending the day (more or less with no avail) on trying to find a reproduction from scratch, at least I think I found a way to eliminate the savegames (kind of) and every single spaceship part from the equation. Here's what I did:
- reproduce the glitch just as before by using the steps from #2753-5 -> when the problem occurred once, the game seems to be broken
- go to the main menu and start a new (sandbox) game
- build a tiny rocket and launch it into orbit
- again activate 10x time acceleration and see the effect happening on your tiny craft in a fresh savegame

The effect can be observed even on a one-part object. I tried it with a probe body and a battery (in two separate launches) that I put on top of a decoupler, decoupled and deorbited the rocket (to get rid of any other objects in orbit) and jumped back to the part (via tracking station).
Actually you can repeat this as often as you like once the game is in that broken state, either with the same game or with a new one. It will remain there until you restart KSP.

I know that this is not ideal because you still need the savegame to break it. But it shows that the problem comes from a global game mechanic (like the orbital physics system that is probably initialized only once and keeps its state across savegames). Unfortunately it does not show what causes this problem in the first place.

Actually I managed to break a new game without using saves but that took me several hours of uninterrupted game play. Restarting KSP (hence resetting the problem) and trying to reproduce it again with the last steps from the previous session didn't work.

#23 Updated by x5060 about 10 years ago

I am also experiencing this exact issue. It seems like the vector that the craft is moving on just stops updating so it just continues moving at it's exact speed and direction without gravity affecting it at all. It's almost as if All gravity in the kerbal system instantaneously disappears so you just but only in relation to your current space craft. However I think this may have something to do with the SAS system as it appears that only certain parts can bend after the bug takes hold. usually everything below the SAS module can bend if you exert force using RCS, but the SAS and everything above is rock solid stuck facing the EXACT direction it was last in.

I have also noticed something a bit weird when the issue starts happening. I was working on capturing some asteroids to start making a base and so I wanted a more stable capturing platform, so for the nose of my new asteroid capture craft I flipped a quad adapter upside down so I could put 4 grabbers as the nose. (It was an experiment that worked decently) However when the bug started showing up the grabbers would start shaking and vibrating and sliding around on the quad adapter. They would get all mashed together and not even be sitting on their connection points. Sometimes if I turn off SAS, RCS, and stop all acceleration of any kind they will stop moving around and just sit their in their new messed up positions.

#24 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

tirbelain wrote:

The effect can be observed even on a one-part object. I tried it with a probe body and a battery (in two separate launches) that I put on top of a decoupler, decoupled and deorbited the rocket (to get rid of any other objects in orbit) and jumped back to the part (via tracking station).
Actually you can repeat this as often as you like once the game is in that broken state, either with the same game or with a new one. It will remain there until you restart KSP.

I know that this is not ideal because you still need the savegame to break it. But it shows that the problem comes from a global game mechanic (like the orbital physics system that is probably initialized only once and keeps its state across savegames). Unfortunately it does not show what causes this problem in the first place.

Actually I managed to break a new game without using saves but that took me several hours of uninterrupted game play. Restarting KSP (hence resetting the problem) and trying to reproduce it again with the last steps from the previous session didn't work.

Thank you for your observations. The problem persisting between saves is of particular interest, and may link in with some other reports that are hard to pin down, and go away after a game restart.

x5060 wrote:

I think this may have something to do with the SAS system as it appears that only certain parts can bend after the bug takes hold. usually everything below the SAS module can bend if you exert force using RCS, but the SAS and everything above is rock solid stuck facing the EXACT direction it was last in.

The SAS system and how it operates has been revised in 0.90, so may have a bearing on this problem

I have also noticed something a bit weird when the issue starts happening. I was working on capturing some asteroids to start making a base and so I wanted a more stable capturing platform, so for the nose of my new asteroid capture craft I flipped a quad adapter upside down so I could put 4 grabbers as the nose. (It was an experiment that worked decently) However when the bug started showing up the grabbers would start shaking and vibrating and sliding around on the quad adapter. They would get all mashed together and not even be sitting on their connection points. Sometimes if I turn off SAS, RCS, and stop all acceleration of any kind they will stop moving around and just sit their in their new messed up positions.

The Claw does seem to figure in several reports, but when tested in isolation seems to behave in all but the most complex situations. It has been suspected as the trigger, but similar behaviour has also been noted where no Claw is involved. It's a prime suspect, but only with circumstantial evidence.

#25 Updated by Anonymous about 10 years ago

I am also experiencing this on a regular basis, I'm going to try to narrow down the cause be elimination in my vanilla install, but it's a tedious process. Some symptoms I've seen:
- this can be the only ship active in the savegame, no rendezvous is necessary, or even any other flight anywhere.
- main symptom is ship going into a state where it can't be controlled, claims it's under acceleration, and does not obey physics. this usually happens coming out of a time warp.
- on stack separation, remaining upper stages go into wild rotation, but command pod seems to maintain its orientation, quickly breaking off the stack and going into the above state.
- ship often explodes on stack separation, probably just collisions due to above spin
- when ship is in stuck state, if you let it fly for a bit, it eventually gets stuck at a point in space entirely. for example, one got stuck in a state that its false-accelerated path was still suborbital, but it froze at 99998 meters and just stuck in space at that altitude.
- (this may be mod related, haven't tried it on my vanilla install, but coincides with this bug's other symptoms often on that savegame, and happens on stock parts) symmetrical decouplers only decouple one of them when all are activated in staging or action group

Running on linux x64

Certain conditions with the universal storage mod will cause this kraken. I've notified the maintainer to investigate. However, using that might be a good way to easily reproduce and see what the game engine is doing wrong when it occurs.

#26 Updated by HeartOfGolf about 10 years ago

I've just reinstalled both clean 32 and 64 version of KSP, here are the steps to reproduce the situation:

1) Load the 'Beta' save
2) Go to the tracking station
3) Choose 'Evita One"
4) Create a node at periapsis to align with Kolniya orbit
4) Press any direction or time acceleration key, something strange starts

#27 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Related to Feedback #5150: NullReferenceException: Phantom Acceleration, Claw Glitches, Frozen Vessels, Spontaneous Deconstruction added

#28 Updated by RexRectumIV over 9 years ago

I am experiencing the exact same bug. I grabbed an asteroid, put it into orbit around Kerbin and now all ships that achieve orbit around Kerbin starts accelerating during timewarps. I am playing KSP through Steam without any mods and I have the newest version (1.0.4) installed.

#29 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago


If you would care to share your savegame and logs, it would help us determine the cause? This is possibly the first report of the problem since the persistence bug was addressed.

#30 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #5098: Docking with claw when claw-equipped ship not focused breaks physics added

#31 Updated by RexRectumIV over 9 years ago

Squelch wrote:


If you would care to share your savegame and logs, it would help us determine the cause? This is possibly the first report of the problem since the persistence bug was addressed.


First of all: Sorry for a somewhat late reply and thank you for looking into this.

It seems the bug fixes it self upon restart of the game. I have not been able to pin down exactly what causes the bug for me, but it happens a lot when playing around with an asteroid-catcher I have created.

I have uploaded a savefile. Try playing around with the "Asteroid Moving Unit (AMU)" vehicle (it is orbiting Kerbin with a Class E asteroid attached to it) for a bit, freeing the pivot point, locking it again, burning the Rhino engine etc. and then timewarp. After timewarps it sometimes suddenly explodes, while other times it (and other orbiting bodies) start accelerating during timewarps (this is probably easiest seen by switching to my space station KIR after playing around with the AMU). Maybe it is possible that the bug is related to wobbly trajectories?

My game has, apart from consistantly crashing when reverting to VAB after playing around with rovers, been bug free before I started playing around with the Claw.

#32 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Related to Bug #5264: NPE caused by connecting active vessel to non-active vessel klaw added

#33 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#34 Updated by nikvolf over 9 years ago

Hello guys

I experience this bug

Usually it goes away after restarting the game

But I have savefile where it can be reproduced regardless
MODS: Engineer, Protractor

In this savefile you should take control of "Untitled Space Craft" which is landed on Mun

Then accelerate pointing 270 degrees navball (and a bit up, 30-45) until projected drop off to the Kerbin orbit

When Kerbin encounter get shown on the map, shutdown engines and (a bit afterwards - no matter) press accelerate ">"

Ship will be immediately destroyed by kraken acceleration forces

OS: Win64

(if you save game after taking off Mun and getting Kerbin encounter, restart the game and load - there will be NO BUG)

#35 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

nikvolf wrote:

But I have savefile where it can be reproduced regardless
MODS: Engineer, Protractor

Thanks for reporting, but unfortunately we cannot work with modded games due to any other variables they may introduce, and simply trying to keep up to date with them all. Stock reproductions only please.

#36 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #5326: Vessel accelerates without any engines firing added

#37 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #5137: Spontaneous Acceleration and explosion added

#38 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Need More Info to Needs Clarification

#39 Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Clarification to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

No reproduction in recent versions, this appears to have been a mod bug.

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