


Bug #26908

Kerbals cause ship acceleration in EVA

Added by geekus42 about 4 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


Breaking Ground, Core Game, Making History
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


When a Kerbal is on a hatch or ladder while in space they cause a forward thrust or acceleration to the ship they are attached to. The effect is in the direction the Kerbal is facing. No fuel is consumed.

The effect is the same for all typed of Kerbals and regardless of having RCS backpacks or not. The spurious thrust is small but enough to be noticeable within seconds. This effect changes orbits and spins ships depending on the location that the Kerbal is holding on to. It effectively makes on-orbit repairs difficult or impossible when two ships are in close proximity, since the ship with the engineer immediately spins or is pushed away.


#1 Updated by Rakete about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Can confirm this bug.

#2 Updated by dok_377 about 4 years ago

I think there is a little workaround. It looks like this effect goes away if you move a little bit. It stops accelerating the craft when kerbal "sticks" closer to the ladder, opposed to floating a little bit above it when you just come out of the hatch.

#3 Updated by geekus42 about 4 years ago

dok_377 wrote:

I think there is a little workaround. It looks like this effect goes away if you move a little bit. It stops accelerating the craft when kerbal "sticks" closer to the ladder, opposed to floating a little bit above it when you just come out of the hatch.

The effect is reduced, but not eliminated. Wait for a while and watch the orbital elements. They will still change, just slower.

#5 Updated by Jellybug about 4 years ago

I can confirm. Bill nearly pushed a Mun orbiter into the ground.

#6 Updated by douglas almost 4 years ago

#27277 also is about the same issue. I included a save game file there.

Apparently my solar panel's proximity to a kerbal's head is increasing the acceleration and will cause a craft to crash before it even makes it half way around the Mun.

#7 Updated by kerman-space-systems over 3 years ago

Confirm on 1.12.1

Doing a ladder EVA either causes the ship to start rotating, or propels the ship (in my tests I could propel a mk1 capsule towards the front).

This is a severe physics bug! On small capsules, a kerbal can quickly make it rotate so fast that he will be ejected into space in a matter of seconds.

#8 Updated by kerman-space-systems over 3 years ago

BTW, the bug manifests in Linux (GOG version) as well.

#9 Updated by papfant about 3 years ago

Same issue. Everything was fine until recently.

#10 Updated by choxieota about 2 years ago

I thought this had been fixed, but I'm seeing it again since 1.12.4 was released.

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