


Bug #25204

RCSFX bug with all versions of KSP from 1.4.5-1.9.1

Added by Raidernick almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 4 years ago.

Bug Tracker
Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Linux, Windows
Core Game
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


This bug has been plaguing all versions of KSP since RCSFX was officially introduced back in KSP 1.4.5. The issue relates to the plume and it breaking to either be always on or not work at all.

To replicate this issue:
1) Create a craft with 2 pods attached that have a combination ModuleCommand and ModuleRCSFX on the same part, like the Mark 1-3 command pod
2) Separate the crafts in orbit.
3) Move one of the pods outside the render range of the other
4) Rendezvous both pods again
5) When you are inside the render range of the original pod the RCS plumes will be broken on it(the pod you are rendezvousing with, not the one you are controlling). Either the plume will be visibly broken but still work and consume fuel, or the plume will be always on(constantly firing from all transforms at once) but producing no thrust and not consuming fuel. A null reference exception will be thrown regarding this when you reenter physics range.

This bug makes rendezvous on any craft that has modulercsfx and modulecommand on the same part impossible to do as it will break the craft you are rendezvousing with. There is an apparent serious bug when you combine these modules that was never addressed. I feel that this bug wasn't found earlier because these 2 modules were never combined on one part before until just recently when the mark 1-3 pod was introduced.

You can fix the bug by going to the tracking station and reloading the craft again, but you shouldn't have to do this every time you enter and exit physics range of a craft with combined partmodules.


#2 Updated by Technicalfool over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Investigating
  • Assignee set to Technicalfool
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

#4 Updated by [email protected] over 4 years ago

  • Language 简体中文 (Chinese Simplified) added
  • Language deleted (English (US))

#5 Updated by Raidernick over 4 years ago

  • Language English (US) added
  • Language deleted (简体中文 (Chinese Simplified))

#7 Updated by Technicalfool almost 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Investigating to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 20 to 10

#8 Updated by Technicalfool almost 4 years ago

  • Platform Linux added

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