


Bug #2087

if a kerbal is hit by another kerbal while in a seat the game thinks the kerbal is on EVA.

Added by AidanBionicle1 almost 11 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

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English (US)
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Arrow d r red


so if you set a kerbal in an external command seat and if you hit the kerbal with a kerbal that is on EVA while using the EVA pack the kerbal hit will become limp but they will quickly regain Their bearings but if you right click on them the GUI will come up as if said kerbal was on EVA and you cant get them out because the game thinks the kerbal is both on EVA and Controlling the craft (you can also make them use their EVA pack but they wont go anywhere.)

backupp bugfix.sfs (3.96 MB) backupp bugfix.sfs [email protected] sir_frost, 12/10/2015 07:47 PM
screenshot63.png (1.31 MB) screenshot63.png [email protected] sal_vager, 11/11/2016 04:02 PM
screenshot64.png (1.28 MB) screenshot64.png [email protected] sal_vager, 11/11/2016 04:02 PM
screenshot65.png (761 KB) screenshot65.png [email protected] sal_vager, 11/11/2016 04:02 PM


#1 Updated by TruePikachu almost 11 years ago

Critical? Nope, I think Normal at the most.

Kerbals in external seats are, for all intents and purposes, on EVA. The difference between a Kerbal in a cockpit and one on EVA (or in the external seat) is that their model/actor isn't loaded in the former case.

Other differences include the inability to directly launch a Kerbal from an EAS-1, the EVA fuel not getting refilled, and the lack of SAS functionality, though the latter might not count.

When the Kerbal "leaves" the seat, is it being considered a seperate vessel at the time? If yes, try saving and reloading. If not, try ejecting them via the seat.

#2 Updated by AidanBionicle1 almost 11 years ago

Well if I CANT get a kerbal out of the seat and the game thinks their on EVA what am I to do?

#3 Updated by hermes47 almost 11 years ago

  • Severity changed from Critical to Low

#4 Updated by AidanBionicle1 almost 11 years ago

Ugh no one FREAKING CARES about this at all [censured]

#5 Updated by hermes47 almost 11 years ago

No need to get angry. The reason I changed the priority is because though this is an annoyance for you, it is not a critical bug. A critical bug is something that renders large portions of the game unplayable under any circumstances. For example, if the VAB and SPH weren't spawned. This is classed as a low priority as it can be easily avoided.

Also, please watch your language.

#6 Updated by AidanBionicle1 almost 11 years ago

Ok fine when you put it that way it seems to make more seance and sorry fir getting so fricken pissed but this bug should still be fixed nevertheless

#7 Updated by jackatack almost 11 years ago

Just experienced this bug. Thought I should comment; The description of the bug as provided by AidanBionicle isn't complete/completely accurate. This
is a more accurate description of the bug. Pretty serious bug for external cmd seats.

Edit: after some more testing, I've experienced the bug in a way more similar to the description by AidanBionicle. Seems simply to depend on whether the force of the impact on the Kerbal in the cmd seat is sufficient to detach him from the seat. In that case, the Kerbal becomes 'debris' as described in the link. However, if the impact is insufficient to detach him from the seat, the problem is as AidanBionicle describes. He acts as if on an eva, and does not control the craft. However he is still stuck in the chair, and there is no option to board the chair.

#8 Updated by Lagger_mw over 10 years ago

this bug hit 8 monhts! fix it already, there is my video proof of bug

#9 Updated by sir_frost about 9 years ago

this bug still exists and needs fixing. i dont like leaving kerbals

#10 Updated by Squelch about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need More Info

Please could a mod free savegame be attached that shows this problem?

#11 Updated by sir_frost about 9 years ago

in this savefile bill kerman is stuck in his chair on the craft: jool expedition 1
he cannot get out since the GUI does not show "leave seat"
he is still attatched to craft since his EVApropelant activates with the crafts RCS.

#12 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Need More Info to Needs Clarification

#13 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago


This appears to be fixed, most likely with the change to Kerbal ragdoll behaviour.

#14 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Ready to Test to Closed
  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

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