


Bug #18712

Panels from Making History have broken shading.

Added by dok_377 over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Being Worked On
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Making History
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


As you can see on the screenshots, panels have very strange shading depending on the angle of the lighting. It was already present in 1.4.2, but it was a little bit better. I discovered that in 1.4.2 main texture for the grey panels didn't have alpha channel, now it has alpha channel and it is way worse. It's not alpha channel doing it, but shader setting on the part itself, I think. It must be wrong somewhere.

20180427201324_1.jpg (185 KB) 20180427201324_1.jpg [email protected] dok_377, 04/27/2018 05:15 PM
20180427201304_1.jpg (200 KB) 20180427201304_1.jpg [email protected] dok_377, 04/27/2018 05:15 PM
20180427201344_1.jpg (174 KB) 20180427201344_1.jpg [email protected] dok_377, 04/27/2018 05:15 PM
20180427201358_1.jpg (174 KB) 20180427201358_1.jpg [email protected] dok_377, 04/27/2018 05:15 PM
screenshot53.jpg (1.63 MB) screenshot53.jpg [email protected] dok_377, 04/29/2018 07:37 PM

Related issues

Related to Kerbal Space Program - Bug #18597: Several normal maps have missing / wrong horizontal channel informationReady to Test04/17/2018


#1 Updated by SamHall over 6 years ago

The root of the problem is that the normal map for those parts is total nonsense; see bug #18597 . That's making light reflect off the panels in crazy directions that have nothing to do with where the light sources actually are in the scene.
Not really sure why it would have suddenly gotten worse in 1.4.3; the alpha channels actually look identical between the two versions to me (blank 100% white on the gray panels). But if they changed the shader from diffuse to specular then that would certainly make the screwed-up lighting pop a lot more.

#2 Updated by dok_377 over 6 years ago


SamHall wrote:

The root of the problem is that the normal map for those parts is total nonsense; see bug #18597 . That's making light reflect off the panels in crazy directions that have nothing to do with where the light sources actually are in the scene.
Not really sure why it would have suddenly gotten worse in 1.4.3; the alpha channels actually look identical between the two versions to me (blank 100% white on the gray panels). But if they changed the shader from diffuse to specular then that would certainly make the screwed-up lighting pop a lot more.

Alpha channel is fine though. Just plain white and nothing else, like on the grey texture, but grey panels are broken too. It appears that only the foil ones is fine. Alpha channel should only determine how shiny the model is supposed to be, not the main lighting on the model. That's why I think this problem is in the part itself.

#3 Updated by dok_377 over 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#4 Updated by dok_377 over 6 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

Well, I was wrong in my last edit. White panels still doesn't have alpha channel, but it's irrelevant at this point. Alpha channel or not, this problem is present anyway. On grey and white panels.

#5 Updated by Squelch over 6 years ago

  • Related to Bug #18597: Several normal maps have missing / wrong horizontal channel information added

#6 Updated by Squelch over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Being Worked On
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30

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