Bug #18598
Duna Physics Easing issue
I recently began having an issue in relation to Physics easing on Duna. Upon switching to one of my lander probes on the surface of Duna the craft starts several meters above the ground and then falls to the surface. This caused my first probe to break it's landing struts. I then sent a follow on probe and landed it on a different area of Duna to see if the issue still remained. Upon switching to this new craft from either the tracking station or another craft the issue occurs again. "The craft in question is labeled Duna Lander." I searched for any current known issues regarding Physics Easing and Duna and saw there was a Physics issue in Bug #16159 that was closed, however that was in relation to a bounce, where as this is not a bounce but a random fall upon load and so far I have only had this experience on Duna and not on any other planetary body. I am using the latest Vanilla version and have not ever used any mods on this career save. Please let me know if any additional information or files are needed. Thank you.
#1 Updated by bigbcor almost 7 years ago
- File Loading.jpg Loading.jpg added
- File Afterfall.jpg Afterfall.jpg added
#2 Updated by Alexoff almost 7 years ago
In earlier versions sometimes crafts were loading with negative height, this caused explosions and destruction. Now crafts load at some height because squad mad skillz :D
#3 Updated by bigbcor about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Moot
I see this issue is still showing as open. It has since been resolved and this bug can be closed I believe. Thanks.