Bug #17338
Interface stop working after reject or accept contracts in rapid succession.
Just reject or accept contracts in rapid succession and interface (save, quit to main menu) stops working.
Ps: since I let a ship in the complex, when this bug happens I can see the icon/pin (for fly or recover) under screen, like I was viewing the complex, but with contracts screen floating uselessly in front.
Workaround is load any save, or force close application.
Effects is you loose all contracts, accepted or rejected, like you never ever had take any action on each one, and all progression from last save, manual or automatic ones.
To mitigate looses, save before entering contracts screen.
#1 Updated by bewing over 6 years ago
- Category set to Controls and UI
- Expansion Core Game added
This has been reported by other users also. However, following your steps "Accept contracts in rapid succession" -- does not cause any error on my console. I upgrade my Mission Control to level 3, and rapidly accept every single contract on the list. Exit Mission Control. Open Pause menu. Attempt to activate every button in it. Every single one of them works.
Which means that either there is some important step missing from your simple instructions, or your method for creating the bug is intermittent. Your bug report needs more information about that.
#2 Updated by jsantiago over 6 years ago
Please include detailed step-by-step instructions for easy reproduction