


Bug #17040

Cannot return to space center

Added by Ilovehalo3117 about 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Being Worked On
Controls and UI
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PS4, XBoxOne
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


After taking an un-maned probe into two different orbits on minmus, and then taking the probe to orbit around the sun, pause menu stopped working. Unable to return to Space Center, Tracking Station, as well as unable to save the game, or recover vessel. Resulted in me having to force close the game to restart, and loosing all progress prior to launch of the satellite.


#1 Updated by yandards about 7 years ago

Same issue for me, force quit by loading another game via dashboard and then reload last save had varying results (sometimes it would allow save on reloading, sometimes not).

Complete restart of console has allowed enough game time to complete mission and recover craft.

Had this issues on three occasions already and is identical to previous Flying Tiger version bug.

Standard controls, Xbox one X, career mode on normal with options selected for G and heat.

#2 Updated by [email protected] about 7 years ago

  • Category changed from 295 to 36
  • Severity changed from High to Critical

Ilovehalo3117 wrote:

Unable to return to Space Center, Tracking Station, as well as unable to save the game, or recover vessel. Resulted in me having to force close the game to restart, and loosing all progress prior to launch of the satellite.

When this happens to me I can still fly, but cannot switch to anything new, or access SC or TS or Save. Prior saves will load, but to no avail: it leads to the same "no response" situation.

#3 Updated by [email protected] about 7 years ago

Here is a link to a video of the problem:!AmOeLxKX2kDzgVV_D84EB8XGg53F

This is on an XboxOneS

#4 Updated by Xepherys almost 7 years ago

Same issue on PS4, and has happened several times. No way to switch or even quicksave anything, losing sometimes significant time in career mode.

#5 Updated by ruairiau almost 7 years ago

Same Issue.

Flew mission to the Mun - saved several times with no problem. Only when I took off and returned to Kerbin did I get the problem. I was able to load my previous save and recreate the issue several times. I'm not certain, but I think it happens when you run Time Warp for an extended period.

Bug Description:
Space Center Button on Altimeter doesn't work
Several buttons on Pause menu don't respond (Space Center, Recover, Tracking Station)
Quick Save doesn't work when you try to confirm
Switching vessel doesn't work
However, Quick Load does still work.

Other Notes:
Whilst I was able to repeat this issue, to resolve it, I made more frequent quick saves. If I Time Warped for a long time, the bug would happen again.

#6 Updated by bewing almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Being Worked On
  • % Done changed from 0 to 30

#7 Updated by OONDERPANTZ almost 7 years ago

  • Platform PS4 added

Also happens on PS4

#8 Updated by Ricasan_df almost 7 years ago

Text copied from another issue relative to ps4. For those having that problem, try that:

There's a temporary workaround solution:
Using cursor mode, click on maximum warp speed, and immediately click on normal speed (alternatively you can keep clicking on lower speeds down to normal), press options then control center button.

All this need to happen fast as a lighting!
May require some tries. Mostly happen up to 3 tries.

After, when in control center, test by saving game. If save its OK.

#9 Updated by Squelch almost 7 years ago

  • Severity changed from Critical to Normal

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