


Bug #15440

Resource display wraps to 2nd line when greater than 5 digits

Added by jclovis3 over 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Not Fixed
Controls and UI
Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


Core Game
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


Resources greater than 5 digits wrap to another line. See Liquid Fuel levels in attached image. Build Screen size 1360x768. Full screen mode.


#1 Updated by bewing over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Ready to Test
  • Target version set to Not Applicable
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80

#2 Updated by jclovis3 almost 7 years ago

  • Expansion Core Game added

I just want to add for your testers that this text wrap also occurs on the usage rate in parenthesis, especially when refueling in maximum warp where it multiplies the rate by the warp factor and creates a really long number. Perhaps the best approach here is not to multiply this figure during warp.

#3 Updated by jclovis3 almost 7 years ago


While the length of the resource meters was indeed expanded to cover more digits, they are not dynamically expanding to cover all the text (including usage rates during warp). As you can see in this test photo of a 1.4.2 vessel (also attached), the usage rates in parenthesis of the Ore which is supposed to be displayed as

is instead being wrapped twice as

The only way to fix this bug and cover all amounts of fuel even up to more digits than this, would be to make the width of the Resources box grow with the meters, and allow the meters to grow with the text, thus requiring some calculations on the width of the text object before drawing it and thus changing everything else before the draw cycle. I've done with this MonoGame in one project and can provide a sample if this sounds at all like the method you are using. You can also expect to switch to scientific notation at some point to keep from growing too large.

Of course, you can also change the behavior of the consumption rate not to show the units per real time, but per game time, so that they don't jump up during warp.

#4 Updated by jclovis3 almost 7 years ago


Forgot this other photo. It shows the Liquid Fuel also wrapping when the ore tanks are full and the LF is almost full. In this case, with the ore being full, the drills are only operating at 99.2% capacity keeping up with the converters, which are now at 100% working on only one fuel type by this point. You can imagine the problem being worse if both ore and LF wrapped and wrote over each other.

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