Bug #15389
MET Timer weirdness - does not switch back from UT, advances to end of days, persists across savegames in a session
Description Win x64 (tested in en-us and es-es)
There is something weird going on with the MET time in Flight View:
- when clicking the MET/UT toggle, it does not switch back from UT anymore
- once this has been done, when reloading, it advances to the end of days (year 999, day 499, 05:59:59)
- the error then persists across savegames in a game session
A video recording to show these errors more clearly: https://youtu.be/JvqjebbexvQ
Repro steps:
- start a new game
- load a new/stock craft onto the launchpad or runway
- click the MET top left to switch to UT - confirm it changes to UT
- click again to switch back to MET - the button changes to 'MET', but the timer string stays in UT.
- click any number of times to confirm it is now stuck this way.
- revert out all the way to the main menu
- load a different game, or start a new one
- load a new/stock craft onto the launchpad or runway
- notice the MET timer has advanced to the end of days
- click the MET top left to switch to UT - confirm it changes to UT
- click again to switch back to MET - the button changes to 'MET', but the timer string stays in UT, and is now stuck, as before.
#1 Updated by Julioz over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Being Worked On
- Assignee set to Julioz
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
#2 Updated by Julioz over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Being Worked On to Ready to Test
- Target version set to Not Applicable
- % Done changed from 30 to 80
#3 Updated by DomiKamu over 7 years ago
I've added some additional informations about this bug: [[http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162247-crash-and-curruped-savefile-after-switching-vessel-in-tracking-station-ksp130/]] (prior I've discovered this bug tracker)
Also, the displayed date/time is badly formatted:
- Why "Years" (instead of "Year").
- No space between "Day" string and its number (it's ugly). Eg Day1 (instead of Day 1).
- No space between day number and "-". Eg "Day1-" instead of "Day 1 -" (more readable)
#5 Updated by swjr-swis over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Ready to Test to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100 Win x64 (EN and ES)
Confirmed solved in 1836 pre-release build.
#6 Updated by joshua.collins over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed