Bug #13667
Odd behavior when a saved game folder is readonly
I started KSP on another Xserver with admin permissions a few times because of linux problems with KSP:
sudo xinit KSP.x86 -- :1 vt8
When I played KSP in windowed mode again, I couldn't play the saved game I was playing before until I fixed the permissions of the files.
My setup:
Linux Mint 18.1
KSP version 32bit
Create a new career game "bugreport"
Quit the game
Change owner and group of the files saves/bugreport/persistent.cfg and saves/bugreport/persistent.loadmeta to root:
sudo chown root:rootsaves/bugreport/persistent.*
Resume the saved game
Clicking on VAB, SPH or Tracking Station has no effect
Quit to Main Menu Does not work
Clicking on Mission Control works. Trying to return to the KSC does not work and makes the upper bar with the return button disappear and nonfunctional icons of contracts and notifications appear in the bottom right (see screenshot)
Clicking on R&D works. returning to KSC does not work, the icons in the bottom right appear.
Clicking on Astronaut Complex works, returning does not.
When this problem occures, the game has to be closed an started again.
Check your file permissions.
Similar report:
Situations when this problem can occur:
starting KSP as another user (eg. with sudo)
Mounting the partition with KSP saved games on it as readonly
Messing up the file permissions
Permission problems under Microsoft Windows might be affected too.
This problem may be rare, but makes the game unplayable if occuring.
A warning would be nice, when a readonly saved game is opened or a readonly file that should be writeable is opened.
#1 Updated by Hexicube about 8 years ago
Possibly related: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13268
Seems like KSP doesn't like read-only files in general. That said, a save game really should be read-write.
#2 Updated by gfrodo about 8 years ago
The save games should be read-write, but a kind of warning before loading the save would be nice.