Bug #13570
Convert-O-Trons (250 & 125) can *each* have multiple production modes active simultaneously (e.g. "Lf+Ox" and "LqdFuel"), adding to throughput.
A single unit can have any (or all) of it's processing modes selected at once, via the part's interface (in flight). Their consumption/production rates appear independent, therefore supplemental, like having 2-4 convert-o-tron units for the price, mass and size of a single one. Additional power is used and heat produced too (as expected, at least). See Gif: https://gfycat.com/MellowSimplisticInexpectatumpleco
Indicated by staff (sal_vager) on forum to be unintended function, despite having been observed by players at least as far back as 18 months ago.
#1 Updated by AlffromKerbal about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
I never thought of it as a bug but a feature. Since max. cooling is 500°C, it doesn't make much sense to activate more than 2 processing modes.
Also, the interface is showing all modes and status if they are on or off, which would let me think, that parallel activation would be intended.
If this is a bug and is getting fixed, a single line with a switch would suffice to show and cycle through modes (including "off") similiar to reaction wheels.
#2 Updated by Z3R0Gravitas almost 8 years ago
Edit 2017-01-19: Explained to be deliberate feature by RoverDude on forum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154845-convert-o-tron-isru-modes-produce-in-parallel-for-increased-output-intended/&do=findComment&comment=2921422
Please close issue.
#3 Updated by Warezcrawler almost 8 years ago
I made a mod restricting this if you are interested.
I like having the option as stock is, as well as restricting it with a simple mod.