Bug #13188
F12 Aerodynamic Overlay Crash to Desktop Bug
GOG KSP 64bit Clean Install. No Mods: Sandbox
GOG KSP 64bit Clean Install. No Mods: Sandbox
After watching a part of EJ_SA twitch stream, there was mention of a bug relating to the Aerodynamic Overlay crashing KSP to desktop
Testing in, there is no problem
The Crash only happens in when I do the following:
1. Select a ship as long as it has some wing surface. Launch from SPH or VAH
2. Press F12 to turn on aerodynamic overlay
3. Press F12 again to turn off aerodynamic overlay
4. Move the mouse pointer over the wing surface.
Wing Surface can be flaps, canards, wings.
Hope that helps. I couldnt find another bug report on this.
Related issues
#1 Updated by rudi1291 about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Tested on both 32bit and 64bit, does happen on both. Only happens if "Highlight FX" and "Part Highlighter active in flight" are on (in the graphics settings)
#2 Updated by Anth12 about 8 years ago
Nice picking up the graphics settings being a factor.
To give more information:
If "Highlight FX" is off and "Part Highlighter active in flight" is on the bug doesnt happen
If "Highlight FX" is on and "Part Highlighter active in flight" is off the bug doesnt happen
If "Highlight FX" is off and "Part Highlighter active in flight" is off the bug doesnt happen
It only happens if both are set to on at the same time.
#4 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
In my testing here you don't even need a wing, this occurs with a Mk1 pod alone.
#5 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- Severity changed from Normal to High
- Platform Linux added
Rating as high as this does break the game for all players (not a local issue).
#6 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago
Confirmed also under OSX and Windows.
#7 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago
- File -.txt -.txt added
- File error.log error.log added
- File output_log.txt output_log.txt added
#8 Updated by Anth12 about 8 years ago
I tested it with the Aeris 4A (stock) which has the Mk1 cockpit which doesnt crash when the mouse pointer goes over it.
and then tested it with the GDLV3 (stock) which doesnt have any pods or cockpits, which didnt crash with any part that the pointer moved over until i added wings to it.
Just assumed it was wing related after that. My bad
#9 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago
- Platform OSX added
#10 Updated by zel_knight about 8 years ago
- File 2016-11-04_144110.zip 2016-11-04_144110.zip added
- File 2016-11-04_152140.zip 2016-11-04_152140.zip added
Adding my error logs as I believe this also describes the CTD I've experienced just recently. KSP 1.2.1 Win x64 no mods.
#11 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #13232: Random crashes during ship flight/operations x64 (access violation) added
#12 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #13236: Crash mousing over craft in atmo flight added
#13 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Ready to Test
- Target version set to 1.2.2
- % Done changed from 10 to 80
This should be fixed in 1.2.2. Please test.
#14 Updated by Anth12 about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Ready to Test to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Resolved it is.
#15 Updated by JPLRepo about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed