


Bug #12435

Can't return to space center/recover/quicksave

Added by Wabbajack over 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


This has happened to me on multiple flights/launches/ press start & then go to quicksave, or return to ksc, or recover vessel, and nothing happens. The UI button depresses so it's detecting my input, but nothing happens when it goes down. Same goes for the dropdown buttons on top, recover and return don't work from there either. The autosave function also seems to not work while this is happening, it still prompts you as if it was saving, but if I wait for an autosave, quit and then come back it will load from before the bug happened.

The most recent encounter I've had with this didn't even require me to be in a vehicle...I was at the tracking station this morning (station is upgraded to patched conics if that matters) & after decomissioning a couple Duna probes, I had realized that the red "exit" button in the top right didn't work. It was doing the same as before, button depresses but nothing happens. I have a hunch that this has to do with me using timewarp in the past, but I could be very wrong.


#1 Updated by Wabbajack over 7 years ago

Also I thought I might add that the other start menu buttons work just fine. I am still able to quickload, adjust options, and resume game. This isn't something that happens every single time I fly but it does seem to happen any time I go somewhere far away from the space center like orbit, mun, minmus, duna, etc.

#2 Updated by Wabbajack over 7 years ago

+ you can't switch vehicles while this bug is happening, buttons do the same thing, they depress but with no end result.

This continues to occur even after the update, an easy way to duplicate for me is to "skip to next morning" from the space center, and then enter mission control and try to accept a contract, once you try to leave the button won't work and you'll be stuck at mission control. This may take a few tries before you actually get stuck.

#3 Updated by gjdaley over 7 years ago

This affects the Windows Version as well ( Windows Player 32-bit)

#4 Updated by [email protected] about 7 years ago

I'm having similar problems. Usually occurs near the end of a mission or "stage" of mission. I've had it happen on Kerbin, Duna, Ike, Orbiting the Sun, Minimus, and Mun.

There are 3 levels of this problem for me.
1. Game freezes after any load/ or during asteroid docking. Total freeze: cursor unresponsive, power button on controller unresponsive. As long as the loading screen isn't the time when it freezes, it usually comes to again after the controller dies and you have to press A to start the game again.

2. Game freezes on fuel transfer. Open one tank, click in upper right corner, nothing else responds. During this I can't select parts on my ship and sometimes no side buttons. Main menu is still accessible, as is space center. Problem is temporarily solved by cycling through space center and back to flight through tracker (usually occurs again).

3. Selections made make no change to which icons are up. This is unrelated to fuel transfer and can sometimes be remedied by switching to map mode, clicking randomly near an edge (sometimes if you click in the center it picks a part- shouldn't do that in map mode), and then cycling back to vehicle view.

#5 Updated by bewing over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Acknowledged
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#6 Updated by [email protected] over 6 years ago

Just throwing in my 2 cents; This is probably the #1 reason why I rant everywhere about why this game is not worth purchasing. It's not even worth telling people that the game exists on console.

I've had this problem occur seemingly without notice. Other times it's associated with a change in contract completion, landing, accomplishments, etc.

If you save before every maneuver you'll eventually find some mission parameter that sets of this issue.

It has happened to me:
(all in normal difficulty, slight increase in science reward)

Early career on Kerbin (not often)
Halfway between kerbin and mun, sean's cannery contract for sattellite
Around minimus with a science vessel
Landing on Mun for the first time (had saved before landing, couldn't "anything" after landing)

Not a real great achievement.
"Congratulations! You can't save!"

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