





12:34 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #10054: Probe SAS functions disapears when rescuing an habited flight with advanced grabbing unit
Sorry mistake ... this is OK i just forgot to re activate SAS ... Ticket can be removed !!!!
12:30 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #10055 (Duplicate): Jeb appeared after EVA of a rescued kerbal that was alone in a MK1 pod during a rescue mission
I was on a rescue mission with an unhabited rescue craft. I grabbed the MK1 command pod with the rescued kerbal. I EV...
12:21 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #10054 (Closed): Probe SAS functions disapears when rescuing an habited flight with advanced grabbing unit
I was on a rescue mission with an unhabited craft. When i docked the habited pod, SAS functions disapeared. seems tha...

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