- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 11/16/2014
- Last connection: 04/02/2016
- 11:11 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #4915: Spacecraft closer than 1000 km to Jool are incorrectly prevented form non-physical time warp due to being "under acceleration"
- I, too, am experiencing this bug.
- 04:31 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #5034 (Closed): Monolith in Kerbin mountains is floating
- The monolith in the Kerbin mountains is floating above the surface quite noticeably.
Location: 29°S, 13°W - 02:35 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #5031 (Closed): Arctic anomaly is below surface level
- The arctic anomaly on Kerbin is below the surface level by about 20 meters.
- 08:34 PM Kerbal Space Program Bug #3530: KSP is unable to load save game files if there are any non save dot-folders in the save directory
- I observed it on Windows. I didn't try it on Linux.
- 12:26 AM Kerbal Space Program Bug #3530 (Closed): KSP is unable to load save game files if there are any non save dot-folders in the save directory
- I'm trying to sync my KSP saves using Bittorent Sync. It puts a hidden .sync folder in the saves directory. KSP att...
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