- Email: [email protected]
- Registered on: 09/22/2014
- Last connection: 09/22/2014
- 04:11 PM Kerbal Space Program Feature #3174: "Are you sure" dialogs on save features
- Ted wrote:
> Duplicate of #3175
Thanks for cleaning this up. I realized after the fact that my req covered more s...
- 12:22 PM Kerbal Space Program Feature #1244: Able to hide the green mouse-over highlights of parts when making cinematic videos.
- Try this mod. - 09:29 AM Kerbal Space Program Feature #3175 (New): "Are you sure" on exiting SPH/VAB without recent save.
- If exiting the VAB/SPH or clicking "new" or "load," check to see if craft was just saved. If not, present "Are you su...
- 09:28 AM Kerbal Space Program Feature #3174 (Duplicate): "Are you sure" dialogs on save features
- Saving a craft or subassembly to an existing filename should prompt an "are you sure" dialog.
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