


Bug #6000

Updated by Squelch over 8 years ago

Reloading a quicksave that was made while a Kerbal (Kerbol?) was mid-jump during an EVA immediately kills Kerbal on landing, reporting that Val (in this instance) died impacting Minmus (in this instance) at 1m/s. Any attempt to control the Kerbal on load has any affect, and thus the Kerbal is doomed.

Attached zip contains save for session. Quickload (F9) and you will immediately see the issue.

h3. Reproduction

# Start a fresh instance of KSP
# Resume the attached save
# From the Space Centre, load the quicksave from the pause (esc) menu "Load Save..." option
# Press and hold F9 to quickload

h3. Observed

After a fresh game start, and loading of the quicksave, the Kerbal is seen to survive.
Any subsequent loading, either via quickload, or Space Centre pause menu (esc) "Load Save..." option will result in the Kerbal being destroyed. Flight report shows that the maximum speed reached is 1m/s and 1m/s over land
