Feature #763
Maneuver node's Delta-V & Burn time left indication in IVA
Adding the maneuver node's required Delta-V (m/s) and estimated burn time to the IVA view,
normally indicated on the external view when a maneuver node is placed (next to the navball)
Several very well made IVAs were made by the community, and used by a large number of addons,
(all using the squad native props to populate the IVA scene).
to prevent further work from addon developers and to maintain compatibility;
in an event that this feature will be implemented, I recommend adding this indication as part of an existing native prop,
rather than creating a new one.
for example, prop - ledPanelSpeed, could be altered to include the maneuver indication, right next to the current speed in m/s.
this way when a community made IVA refer to the native props to be used,
it will be included in their IVA view without any required changes to the current IVA configs.
#1 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago
- Platform Win32 added
- Platform deleted (