


Bug #5909

SC9001 Science Jr. (Materials Bay) causes infinite fuel for Jet engines, in certain configurations.

Added by Trixi about 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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i builded a plane with 4 J-404 that are connected to the main body with some fuel tanks. 4 of them were MK2 Liqued Fuel Fuselag Short, 4 Mk2 Bicoupler and 1 Mk2 to 1.25m Adapter. Well in the main body i set a cargo bay between my first MK2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short. Engine used are 4 othe J-404 "Panther". Afer flying with them at kerbin i saw that one of my Fuel tanks wasnt used. After all other fuel tanks were empty, My engines could provide further power.

If i replaced my tail flin with a rocket engine the fuel tank mention above get emptied. And after it was emptied the "Panther" Engine also gets off.

i think the issue is caused by the Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04

after replacing the engine i get same effects for J-20 "Juno" Basic JEt Engine and J-33 "Wheesley" Turbofan Engine but not with LV 909-Terrier and LV-T45 "Swivel", so assume it causes just the Jet engines.

using newest Version of KSP 1.0.5 without mods.

Normal plane 3.craft (207 KB) Normal plane 3.craft [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 03:05 PM
2015-11-10_00009.jpg (210 KB) 2015-11-10_00009.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 03:07 PM
2015-11-10_00012.jpg (210 KB) 2015-11-10_00012.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 03:11 PM
Testplane for Fuel Flow.craft (51.6 KB) Testplane for Fuel Flow.craft [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:13 PM
screenshot3.png (1.36 MB) screenshot3.png Offset the Girder RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot2.png (1.38 MB) screenshot2.png Assemble the first components like this RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot4.png (1.36 MB) screenshot4.png Offset the Cargo Bay RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot6.png (1.35 MB) screenshot6.png Add another tank, jet engine, and intake RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot5.png (1.36 MB) screenshot5.png Cargo Bay ends up here RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot7.png (1.37 MB) screenshot7.png Running, not using forward fuel RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
screenshot8.png (1.18 MB) screenshot8.png Aft tank empty, not using forward fuel, engine running fine RexKramer, 11/10/2015 05:22 PM
fuel bug in VAB.craft (20.6 KB) fuel bug in VAB.craft [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:36 PM
2015-11-10_00013.jpg (336 KB) 2015-11-10_00013.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:36 PM
2015-11-10_00014.jpg (346 KB) 2015-11-10_00014.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:37 PM
2015-11-10_00015.jpg (347 KB) 2015-11-10_00015.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:37 PM
2015-11-10_00016.jpg (354 KB) 2015-11-10_00016.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:37 PM
2015-11-10_00017.jpg (182 KB) 2015-11-10_00017.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/10/2015 05:37 PM
2015-11-11_00002.jpg (309 KB) 2015-11-11_00002.jpg [email protected] Trixi, 11/11/2015 07:49 AM

Related issues

Has duplicate Kerbal Space Program - Bug #5992: Crossfeeded Tanks in Cargobays drop Fuel Requirements to 50% without fuel consumptionDuplicate11/24/2015


#1 Updated by RexKramer about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Confirmed using the attached craft file. Not sure what's going on. I've removed the radial fuel lines, as well as the fuel line in the cargo bay, and the bug persists.

I wasn't able to duplicate by building a vessel in the SPH, so trying to figure out which part is causing the problem.

#2 Updated by RexKramer about 9 years ago

Ok, the parts in the cargo bay were actually clipped into the forward MK2 fuel tank, starting with the small girder section.

I removed the Materials Bay and Girder, but left everything else intact, including fuel lines, and the bug went away. So the culprit is the parts clipped into the forward fuel tank.

I'll try to make a simpler example for further scrutiny. Certainly looks like unintended behavior.

#3 Updated by RexKramer about 9 years ago

  • Platform Any added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#4 Updated by Trixi about 9 years ago

i've reproduced. The back fuel tank was accidently attached to the SC-9001 Science Junior and this tile is causing the issue.

build a simplier plane for testing:

#5 Updated by RexKramer about 9 years ago


Reproduction steps:

Build the plane in hangar, placing parts in the following order:
1. MK2 Cockpit
2. MK2 LF fuselage
3. Small Girder
4. Materials Bay
5. MK2 Cargo Bay

Next, use the offset tool to:
1. Offset Girder into the forward LF tank.
2. Offset the Cargo Bay forward to join up with the forward LF tank.

Finally, add the following:
1. Aft LF tank
2. Jet engine (Panther)
3. Air intake
4. Launch clamps if you want them

I've attached some photos of the assembly process, as it gets a little confusing.
edit- I just noticed the photos don't appear in order in the tracker report. Use the numbers next to the photos for the assembly order..

#6 Updated by Trixi about 9 years ago


just more simplier steps to reproduce:

0. build a new vessel in hanger or VAB
1. start with a pod
2. attach a fuil tank (doesn't matter which
3. attach SC-9001 Science
4. attach another fuel tank
5. attach a jet engine
6. attach an intake source

edit all without offset or clipping parts!

#7 Updated by RexKramer about 9 years ago

  • Subject changed from Infinite Liqued fuel provided provided by one Mk2 Liquid Fuel Fuselage Short with engine J-404 "Panther" and Mk2 Cargo Bay CRG-04 to SC9001 Science Jr. (Materials Bay) causes infinite fuel for Jet engines, in certain configurations.

Changed subject to reflect the issue better.

Issue also is present with Rapier engine, even in closed-cycle mode.

Does not seem to affect LFO engines other than the Rapier in closed-cycle.

#9 Updated by Trixi about 9 years ago


Some further testing:

tried to replace the SC9001 Science Jr (Materials Bay) with some other object and couldnt reproduce
it affects all fuel tanks attached behind SC9001 Jr
if you attach an external fuel duct, bug is again removed
bug only effects if its placed between fuel tanks

#10 Updated by Squelch about 9 years ago

  • Has duplicate Bug #5992: Crossfeeded Tanks in Cargobays drop Fuel Requirements to 50% without fuel consumption added

#11 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
  • % Done changed from 10 to 0

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