Bug #5517
Rotating parts makes it impossible to remove them
Several parts seem to "merge" with the parent part when you rotate them, making it impossible to remove them afterwards.
Minimal example #1:
Place Mk1-2 command pod in VAB. Place Docking Port on top of it. Everything works as excpected. You can remove the docking port by clicking on it, and you can move the whole vessel by clicking on the root part - in this case, the command pod.
Drag another docking port into the VAB, but don't attach it. rotate it first so that it is upside down. this is necessary so that is "snaps" to center of the bottom of the pod in the correct orientation. No place the docking port at the bottom of the command pod. You can still move the whole craft around by clicking the command pod, you can still remove the top docking port, but removing the bottom docking port is now impossible. Whenever you click the bottom docking port, it won't de-attach but instead select the whole vessel and move the whole vessel. Expected behavior: clicking the docking port removes it and allows it to be placed somewhere else or to be removed entirely.
Minimal example #2:
Place Mk1-2 command pod. Place Rokomax Brand Adapter on top of it. Everything still works. remove Rokomax Brand adapter, rotate it so that the smaller side is at the bottom, re-attach it to the top of the command pod. you are now unable to remove the rokomax adapter. Clicking it selects the whole vessel and moves it around. Expected behavior: clicking the adapter removes it and allows it to be placed somewhere else or to be removed entirely.
This happens with many parts when you attach them rotated. Rotating parts is necessary in order to use the snapping. Placing parts without them snapping may result in placing not perfectly aligned docking ports, making docking unneccessary difficult or impossible.
#1 Updated by Kasuha over 9 years ago
Cannot confirm. I tried both your examples and the editor kept working correctly, all parts were still detachable.
If you're using any mods, try to update them to their most recent versions. If that does not help, try uninstalling them and check if there's still problem in stock game.
If you're not using any mods, try reinstalling the game to get rid of any potential corrupted files.
#2 Updated by Kosmognome over 9 years ago
I am not using any mods, that is the stock game as installed via Steam, running on Win 8.1 64 Bit.
#3 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Clarification