Bug #5343
Launch first vessel contract does not complete when launching first vessel with launchclamps
KSP Version: v1.0.4.0 Ubuntu Gnome 64bit (Linux version)
What Happens: Launch first vessel contract does not complete when launching with launchclamps
Mods / Add-Ons: Tested in stock
Steps to Replicate:
1) Start a new career
2) Give yourself enough science to unlock launch clamp
3) Unlock/research launch clamp
4) Accept "Launch first vessel" contract
5) Build simple craft with clamps and launch it
Or just download the attached save and launch the craft sitting on the launch pad
Result: The contract doesn´t complete
Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files:
- During normal career, this shouldn´t happen, but in theory its possible
#1 Updated by featherwinglove over 9 years ago
- File screenshot82.png screenshot82.png added
- File screenshot83.png screenshot83.png added
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Reproduced successfully in Win32. I think it should be Prioritized as "Very Low", since it might be a symptom of a bug in Contracts that might cause other problems.
#2 Updated by sal_vager about 9 years ago
This is the only contract that checks for the vessel leaving the ground, but if you are on launch clamps you have no ground contact.
This can also occur if your rocket is on a part that is destroyed by engine heat at launch, the only part the player starts with that can do this is the structural pylon.
#3 Updated by sal_vager about 9 years ago
- Severity changed from Unworthy to Very Low
- Platform Any added
- Platform deleted (
#4 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
- % Done changed from 10 to 0
#5 Updated by Spheniscine about 8 years ago
This bug doesn't only happen with launch clamps, but happens if you have any part that is "left behind" when the vessel is launched; e.g. if you put a decoupler on the bottom of the first stage engine and stage it with the engine.