Bug #528
failed fuel flow using ducts with a split and rejoin
The craft and screen shot included probably explain better than i can with words but ill give it a go.
1) Split the flow from an single tank (outer stage) in to two other tanks(middle stage).
2) Join those two tanks back into a single tank with an engine on the bottom(final stage).
3) Do a test fire on the pad and observe the fuel flow.
I expected the the fuel to be taken 1st from the outer stage, then the middle stages with an equal flow and then the final stage.
The outer stage and 1 of the tanks from the middle stages are depleted equally.
Then the 2nd tank from the middle stage is depleted and finally the final stage is used.
If you were trying to use this fuel layout in true flight it results in a catastrophic weight distribution :(
#1 Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
- File FuelMarkedUp.png FuelMarkedUp.png added
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Ok, I figured out what it's doing.
Windows 7 x64, 19.1 fresh install with the attached .craft file.
The issue appears to result from the order of placement of the fuel ducts.
As a convention, in the following description the "BA" node is a fuel duct from B into A, "CD" node is a fuel duct from C into D, and so forth.
I have attached a fresh, labeled, screenshot.
When the .craft file is loaded up, the following connections exist:
- AD
- BA
- BC
- CD
When the engine is throttled up, fuel tanks A and D do not have a change in fuel levels. B and C both decrease at a common rate.
If the craft is modified slightly, wherein CD is placed first and AD is placed second, fuel tank C will show no change in fuel while fuel tank A will decrease at the same rate as B.
If connections BA and BC are removed, A and C both decrease in fuel quantity while B remains full, as it should.
My final test was to remove AD and CD and the engine at the bottom of D. I then placed two LV-909's, one on each A and C, leaving BA and BC. Fuel was correctly pulled from B, keeping A and C full.
Though I realize it's not usually kosher to guess at problems, it appears there may be a bug in parent-child relationships of fuel ducts. My guess is that because B is the top-level parent for both connections AD and CD, it's only using one or the other line to transfer, as if one had connected parallel lines between the same two tanks.
#2 Updated by m_pink almost 12 years ago
Hummm i am guessing this is due to infinite loop prevention.
If we change the ducts to- AD
- BA
- CB
- DC
Then we create an infinite loop that can not be traced back to one fuel tank.
The result of this is that C is used as the first tank.
In my opinion the cause of the loop (D) should be used as the first tank.
Id think this would fix the bug i showed but dose not solve the fuel flow problem totally as i would probably expect that once D was empty the engine would stop.
The infinite loop problem should result in all tanks draining at the same speed :rollseyes but i understand that solving that problem would need a total rethink of ducts.
#3 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Category changed from Bug Tracker to Parts
#4 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Closed
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
#5 Updated by Tymek over 8 years ago
- File Przechwytywanie.PNG Przechwytywanie.PNG added
I was able to reproduce this in 1.1.2
Any chanse to change bug state/priority/assignee?