


Bug #5228

Engines not cooling down at all

Added by Rahlubenru over 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


I'm not sure what files to attach for this so please let me know what you need.

I noticed my basic jets overheating and not cooling down so I opened the debug menu and enabled the display of thermal data on the action menu, sure enough the Temp value was constant with the engines off and landed on Kerbin. Skin temp was fluctuating.

I have since disabled my mods and tried with a further 7 engines, all of them are behaving the same way.

Time warping to 1000 will clear it instantly but any lesser time warp will have no effect at all.

Physics.cfg (4.37 KB) Physics.cfg [email protected] Rahlubenru, 07/11/2015 01:22 PM
settings.cfg (24.6 KB) settings.cfg [email protected] Rahlubenru, 07/11/2015 01:22 PM
PartDatabase.cfg (158 KB) PartDatabase.cfg [email protected] Rahlubenru, 07/11/2015 01:22 PM
screenshot0.png (1.7 MB) screenshot0.png [email protected] Rahlubenru, 07/11/2015 01:37 PM


#1 Updated by Kasuha over 9 years ago

I have noticed that since 1.0 jet engines sometimes don't lose their heat color and their engine noise does not stop even if they are off for long time but I cannot confirm the temperature issue. I built a simple plane with basic jet, flew it until its engine reached over 550 degrees. After switching the engine off, its temperature went down gradually, verified using the debug menu option. Same with a turbojet.

Please provide more detailed reproduction steps and/or example of a ship that allows reproduction of the issue.

#2 Updated by Rahlubenru over 9 years ago


Not sure what further information I can give unless you know of a file I need to submit, the sample craft I used to check after noticing the original problem had 3 parts, a probe core, a fuel tank and whichever engine I was testing (also added an intake for the air breathers of course) then oriented with engine pointing to the sky and throttled up. I tried all 3 air breathers and 5 types of rocket.

The rockets I tried were the swivel, the poodle and the skipper plus the largest single rocket engine and the small orange radial one.

I didn't have this problem on my 1.02 game but I also presume not everyone gets it in 1.04 or I would have expected that it would have been fixed.

I guess the config files from the main folder might be an idea to attach additionally a screenshot of the display with the information enabled in case there are any clues there, is there anything else, a log of some sort perhaps?

#3 Updated by Rahlubenru over 9 years ago

I created a new instance using the zip file which does not exhibit the problem so I will check my config files against each other between the instances.

It looks like it may be that one of the mods made a config file change which didn't get reversed out when I unloaded it, feel free to mark this as whatever while I confirm whether that's the problem and if so notify the mod author.

#4 Updated by Rahlubenru over 9 years ago

Well scratch that idea, I just put all of my mods into the functioning install and it still works as expected, on the plus side this means I have a functioning game, on the down side I therefore have no idea what is causing the problem.

#5 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#6 Updated by captainKerbal over 9 years ago

This is also an issue on a Linux x86_64 install. I've only ever seen this with the basic jet engine, not on any of my rockets (I might not fly them for long enough to get any overheating).
It takes maybe ~30 minutes at 4x timewarp before the temperature builds up, but then the engine does not seem to cool down, even with a radiator attached. Currently it's limiting the range of my planes...

As a note, I did change the thermal settings (made it 'easier') on this particular save.

#7 Updated by Squelch about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

This issue was addressed in 1.0.5

#8 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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