Bug #516
Entering Time Warp automatically stops all rotation
Removed all .dll files from plugins directory and subdirectory and used base parts (so not a 'clean' install... but...)
Appears to only occur on x5 or greater warp (due to orbital physics or atmospheric physics is untested.)
Ship is bare bones 1 stage (Engine + Fuel Tanks), no SAS, no RCS.
Neither SAS nor RCS is turned on despite not being included.
I checked for this but... perhaps wording isn't the same.
Unless it is only me and I broke something somehow...
#1 Updated by hermes47 almost 12 years ago
This isn't really a bug, more a fact of life of how time warp works. When entering time warp, the craft is put on rails. As a consequence, no physics calculations take place.
#2 Updated by Fel almost 12 years ago
hermes47 wrote:
This isn't really a bug, more a fact of life of how time warp works. When entering time warp, the craft is put on rails. As a consequence, no physics calculations take place.
Consider that SAS is suppose to do the same thing except for real-time flights. If a flight is completely out of control, toggling timewarp will (as you indicated) remove all physical impulses thus restoring control in a manner that certainly seems contradictory to what should happen.
#3 Updated by Ted almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Not a Bug
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This is intended gameplay behaviour, the game does not save rotational torque etc when entering into non-physical timewarp.
Thus, it is more of a feature request. If you wish to create a Feature Request for it, you are free to do so. Thanks.